27 Jul 2024

27.07.2024 Faaborg 72km.


  Saturday 27th 58F/14C. Bright but cloudy.

 Up at 7.00. When 1,00, 2.20. 3.10, 4.30, 5.00 and 6.00 all seemed a little early. I may have to get a trolley for the fire bucket. Or one with a steel handle. The handle literally napped off an earlier, all-plastic example. When a [presumably Chinese] factory tried to reverse engineer a real bucket. 

 8.00 I am not sure what to do with today. The forecast is 20C warm, dry, sunny periods and a very light westerly breeze. Stay at home and work on dismantling the observatory? Or have a ride in perfect conditions? The latter always raises the issue of where to go. I have been to so many places. So many times. In the car and on the trike. I stare at Google Maps and wonder. 

 I have decided to ride to Faaborg via the rural lanes. About 30km each way if I don't wander too far off the route. Beautiful, hilly countryside with views out over the sea from on high. I shall apply the Assos chamois cream. In the hope of reduced saddle soreness. My lunch rolls will travel with me and I'll buy more Corny sub-micro chocolate bars on the way. Plus some more micro cartons of organic apple juice.

 14.10 Returned from my 72km ride. It was mostly sunny but increasingly cloudy on the way back. The chamois cream only helped to some degree. I reapplied it in the hope of escaping from the pain but this only lasted for a short time. 

 The countryside was as beautiful as I remembered. Very hilly, but this hardly matters to an e-bike. All managed on one battery. Leaving me with 21% charge as I arrived back at home. 

 I rode mostly in Sport mode. Using Turbo for the long climb up Svanninge Bakker. Which was no fun at all. As the marked off cycle lane was only a few cm wide in places. With the traffic desperate to get past without having to slow. Or having to cross the double white lines.     

 The oncoming traffic showing no desire to give them room to overtake. As they sat in the middle of their lane on auto pilot. With their brains switched off. Mouths open. Until arrival at their destination. I took the first useful exit which presented itself.

 16.00 71F/22C. Sunshine. Rose from a 45 minute recovery nap.

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips. I needed something easy.




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