6 Jul 2024

6.07.2024 It's absolutely persisting!


 Saturday 6th 55F/13C. More rain today. Heavy showers but with a possible break late morning. 

 Up at 6.45 after waking much earlier and drifting. 

 No walk because of the weather. Another day on the computer watching endless YouTube videos.

 15.20 Thunder and torrential rain. There could be storm force winds later this evening. Even a tornado is possible due to the weather conditions.  

I am experimenting with freezing the bread rolls. The first roll I took out of the freezer was far too hard to cut in half. Fortunately it thawed at room temperature enough to sever it. 

 I have now put the bag of frozen rolls in the main area of the fridge. Where they will thaw slowly but remain sealed in the bag. These are the larger rolls which I toast for morning  coffee and afternoon tea. With 45% fruit, orange marmalade.

 The other rolls are eaten fresh at lunch time. Of course I have no idea how they will turn out once thawed. The rolls were being sold at half price. So I jumped at the chance to experiment at lower cost. I habitually freeze the bread which I have as toast with dinner. [My evening meal.]

 Dinner was salad. There was so much of it that it took me nearly an hour to work my way through it. There were no tomatoes so I substituted sliced apple. There was far too much of that. Less than half as much would have done.


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