2 Jul 2024

2.07.2024 Keep on Blocking.


  Tuesday 2nd 56F/13C. [7.15] Heavy overcast and a wet morning is forecast. Expected arrival around 10am. So an early walk would make most sense.

 Up at 6.15 after a difficult night. I had coffee at 8pm last night and this triggered plagiarism of Disney's Sorcerer's Apprentice "Fantasia" but without the mops. The fire bucket seemed about half full as I staggered, half blind, to the bathroom this morning. 

 No plans so far. I had readied the e-bike for local shopping yesterday but never achieved liftoff. Perhaps I need Chinese rocket power? Their latest firework showed unusual eagerness to be elsewhere. And who can blame it?

8.15 Back again. I turned left today. Instead of taking my well worn, usual route to the lanes. The grey skies were depressing. Memories of countless walks flooded back. Plans to climb up to the forest were dismissed. If anything happened to me nobody would find me for ages. Not that it mattered. Though it might spoil somebody's day to find my smelly corpse. 

 The birds did their best to cheer me up, but failed. As I snapped away at flowers in roadside gardens and fluffy crops overflowing their untidy hedgerows. New trees were growing everywhere they probably shouldn't. Mostly ashes but there were many others. 

 12.30 Returned from the shops in the Morris. I found two kinds of plant based spread to replace butter. Not sure how spreadable they are from cold. About to find out. 

 I renewed a prescription on a tablet that was running out. There is no need to get the doctor involved each time. A standing order for renewal is maintained at the chemists. My complete lack of long term medicine taking. Meant that I did not know how the system worked. 

 The city hospital has sent me an appointment. For a Physio monitored stress test on an exercise bicycle. In a week's time. That should be interesting.

 16.30 Returned from a 25km ride to another village. Crosswind and headwind on the return journey. Sunny periods but a bit grey at times.

 The Block vegetable based spread doesn't taste any different from butter to me. It spreads well from cool. I have tried it alone on a roll. Plus jam, cheese, honey and marmalade so far. The raspberry jam is 60% fruit. The orange marmalade 45%. I now spread them all very sparingly to reduce my sugar intake.

 Dinner was salad. With tuna, tomatoes, boiled eggs, Cheddar cheese, carrots, cucumber and heart lettuce. There was lots!




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