9 Jun 2024

9.06.2024 Gardez l'eau!


  Sunday 9th 50F/10C. [7am] Bright but no sunshine. A windy day with scattered showers. Some of which could be heavy and thundery with hail. That will help to wash the dust off the MM.

 Up at 6am. I think broccoli must be a diuretic. I filled one 5 gallon "fire" bucket by 2am and had to find another. It never occurred to me that I'd need a spare. 

 Staggering off to the bathroom in the middle of the night. While carrying a full bucket. Would have rather defeated the object. Of minimal disruption to my sleep patterns. Sadly, there are no handy windows. To practice my "gardez l'eau" on the Danish hedgehogs.. 😳

 Shopping again today. I need more tea. To last out Pootin's imminent invasion.  

 7.30 Still dry. I am going to risk a quick walk. Well brisk anyway. Rather than an actual trot. It may depend on the broccoli!

 8.00  I was quite breathless on the first gentle rise, but plodded on. As I settled into a pace where my breathing could remain controlled. It started raining just as I reached the lanes. The huge, leaden banks of clouds to the west were not reassuring. 

 Fortunately the light, Sunday traffic allowed me to walk back safely on the wrong side of the road. More sheltered from the driven rain, pattering on my jacket and cap, by the overhanging trees. Which roared overhead from the chilling gales. The road already carpeted in swathes of shredded, poplar leaves.

Cotoneaster Salicifolia in the foreground. Paired with a superb, black leafed elder with pink flowers. Both have been allowed to grow freely. They were once dwarfed and heavily shaded by the vast Thujopsis Dolobrata, conifer hedge. Which I removed to let the light in and to open up the views of the garden beyond.

 Lots of birds about today. With large flocks of sparrows dashing away. Angry crows sounding the alarm. For whatever their reasons. A male blackbird, with a pure white patch on its back, flew off too. A similar male blackbird, with a white patch on one wing, was once a resident of the area. Family resemblance? A solitary feline cat-walked along the edge of the road. Seemingly oblivious to the occasional, speeding car.

 10.00 56F/13C. Bright sunshine. Last bout of shopping. 

 11.15 Back from the shops. Sunshine and sometimes heavy showers. 

 14.15 I  awaiting my visitor. Who will keep an eye on me as I recover from tomorrow's procedure. There is a risk of bleeding from the artery where they fit the catheter sleeve. So patients aren't supposed to be left alone. Nor carry out any physical tasks. Which might increase the risks. I'll drive into the village to collect her from the bus stop in a while. The bus does not come this way.  

 Dinner was steak, mushrooms, peas and boiled potatoes. We shared cooking duties. An organic red wine and crême fraiche added to the glow.  



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