18 Jun 2024

18.06.2024 Home again, home again.


  Tuesday 18th 55F/13C. Bright overcast. Some sunshine is promised. With a high of 18C.

 Up at 5.15 after lying awake and an excess of topping up the fire bucket during the night. My right forearm is a bit tender and still discoloured. Though without the "wow" factor as the purple/black slowly fades. I am still constipated. Probably by the lack/loss of food mid-week. Though it may have been the morphine or other pain killers. 

 Do not for a moment assume that I am complaining. Far from it. A few, minor setbacks are but a small price to pay. For the exemplary treatment and wonderful care I have received. The physical burden on my aging body. From three hours on the operating table and assorted powerful drugs. Were inevitably going to be a factor in my recovery.

 My English friend has kindly offered to take me to the city hospital. Then drive the Morris back here. With my role merely riding shotgun. I really should not be driving yet. To give my battered body time to heal. 

 My visitor, home sitter, organizer and carer will be returning home on the train and will travel with us. To be dropped off at the station by my friend's wife. Before returning here to take him home in their own car. I know. It's complicated. My friend's wife has to be at work in the city at lunch time. It takes time to travel the multiple distances involved in traffic. I am most grateful for all their efforts. To help me overcome my depleted energy levels and continuing fragility. 

 The Morris was accumulating considerable parking fees at the hospital. Once my "free" initial 24 hours was used up last Monday. The parking company has yet to respond to my email requesting clarification. I did not dare risk leaving the Morris at the top of the parking tower. Unattended but out of public oversight. Albeit at no cost in parking fees. A poor option for long stay patients IMO. It was impossible to reach the hospital by bus. At the very early hour of my first appointment of over a week ago. At that point I could not possibly foresee the mounting costs. As I went from initial examination to emergency surgery!

 8.40 We are both ready to leave if needed. I had a shower but it was very painful. My right arm complained under the slightest load. My extensive bruising returned to full "Technicolor" once wet. A lop-sided pair of boxer shorts in near black. I have moved the old car out of the way. To allow room for the Morris. Though I would not have wanted to drive very far. 

 12.00 My friend has just left in his own car. After driving the Morris home with myself as passenger. My guest has just confirmed her train is leaving for home too.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast with halved tomatoes. Followed by more blueberries.


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