22 Jun 2024

22.06.2022 Registered blind Audi driver.


 Saturday 22nd 58F/14C. Thick mist clearing slowly, dark, heavy overcast and rain. A long grey, windy day with a 17C/64F maximum. Summer is promised next week. 

 Up at 5.40 after a difficult night. My forearm kept hurting and I was having confused dreams about my wife and parents. 

 The wrens continue to visit their nest under the shed roof overhang. A tireless toing and froing as long as it is light. I keep seeing their movements out of the corner of my eye. Usually both sexes feed the young. With 2, sometimes 3 broods per year. They seem to have been busy for months!

 8.00 I am going to try a walk again. If I get tired I can just turn around and come back. It isn't raining and wouldn't really matter if it was. Saturday traffic will be light this early. I'll wear my dayglo jacket.

 8.30 Returned from my walk. I reached the same turning point as yesterday. The distant landscape was still lost to thinning mist. My legs felt tired but my breathing was much more normal. It stayed dry until I was almost home. Then it tried to drizzle.

 A large Audi brushed past me with no oncoming traffic. I suppose you have to make allowances for the deluded-entitled. Who knows? It might have been just another drug dealer, money lender, people trafficker or pimp. Don't all these sociopaths drive large Audis to display their status in society?

 For reference I was wearing my wildly bright, yellow green, high visibility jacket. Probably visible from the moon or even beyond.  The Audi driver had hundreds of meters of clear road to spot me. Are the registered blind excused EU traffic laws? Thought so. I'll delete this rant if I find something more interesting to say. I didn't.

 I am thawing out some chicken breasts. Which I could not use in time. While my guest was here alone and I was in hospital. So I popped it into the freezer. It has been in the normal fridge compartment since yesterday. So should be thawed enough to slice now. Mushrooms again but with what? I have organic Fettuccine and organic tinned tomatoes for a sauce. Though I have curry sauce I don't feel like that today.

 I overdid the pasta and it was soggy. Then under-did the quantity of tinned tomatoes. Edible but not up to my usual standards.



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