3 Jun 2024

3.06.2024 Day one: Healthy eating.


  Monday 3rd. 54F/12C. [7am] Overcast. A change in the weather from warm and sunny to cool, grey, breezy and changeable. Rain mid-week. Up at 6am after having weird dreams. 

 My phone is refusing to charge. It is dropping steadily below 20%. I tried searching online. Most of the fixes seemed pretty random.

 I have an appointment in a shopping village to the north. Where I can catch up on providing myself with a better diet. 

 12.00 61F/16C. Overcast. Returned from my appointment. Plus extensive shopping for healthier foods and drinks. I have to avoid statins for treating my supposed [?] plaque. Blame Dr Mandell on YouTube for my dietary rethink. Being able to shovel tons of gravel. Or ride 140km on a bike doesn't add up to heart problems.

  I have just tried my first glass of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, runny honey, Cayenne pepper and a squeezed [1/4 of a] lemon juice. It tasted great! Grr! I forgot the crushed clove of garlic. That's Ok. It should be crushed and left overnight to mature. To be enjoyed a day in arrears.

 Moving on: The undiluted Apple Cider Vinegar nearly blew my head off! So I kept adding water until I could stop coughing and choking! 😏 Idiot! Me. Not him. It is highly acidic. Always dilute with water. 

 After lunch I had green tea instead of Twining's Organic Breakfast Tea Bags. YouTube is an appallingly wasteful way of absorbing information. We can blame Google and YouTube. Ten minutes per video or they don't pay the creator. So billions of videos now have to be padded. Just to satisfy the algorithm. Meanwhile, I have the attention span of a narcoleptic goldfish. You do the math! 

 15.30 Returned from the garden centre with a bigger clay pot for the Monstera. Potted it up outside. To avoid the mess falling on the carpet.  The plant was very pot bound and resisted extraction from its old, plastic pot. 

 Dinner was healthy mackerel on toast with tomatoes.



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