5 Jun 2024

5.06.2024 Vegetarian fish food.


  Wednesday 5th 52F/11C. Heavy overcast. Early rain should turn to sunshine. Remaining cool at 15C/59F max.

 Up at 6am. 

 Morning walk. to the lanes. Traffic unusually light.

 13.20 Returning from a drive to the city in the Morris. The petrol gauge has stopped working. 

 I was looking for plants for the fish tank I bought yesterday. Unfortunately goldfish are vegetarians. They will happily chomp many plants. I tried feeding the goldfish with the tiny food balls first but they don't seem interested. One even sucked in the fish food but spat it straight out again. 

 The fish are very active. Exploring their rather small tank. They were initially intimidated after being bombed by four tiny plant pots with attached plants. Back in the dim distant past plants came bare rooted. They were weighed down into the gravel base with strips of lead. 

 The filters are all mechanical these days. No under-gravel [bubble powered] filters were visible. I am not keen on the huge, black, filter boxes taking up so much space in the tanks. They also consume expensive refills. Under-gravel filters don't need such spares. It is suggestive of relying on aids to overcome fish overstocking.

 The fish eventually caught on that the tasty little balls were food. Then it took them only ten minutes of desperate chewing. To be able to swallow one! 

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast. The preheating in the Pyrex cup in the saucepan works well when the time is taken into account. Perfect! Stop laughing at the back of the class!




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