10 Jun 2024

10.06.2024 Failed the exam!


 Monday 10th I was up at 5.15 for a 6.30 drive to the hospital. The traffic was already solid. With lots of stops and starts. So I just made it in time. I had a warm and friendly reception from all the nurses. All practicing their English and enjoying it. All incredibly professional but with excellent communication skills throughout. Which helped me to relax and reduce my fears of the unknown.

 After changing into hospital ware I was walked into the operating theater. There was little pain involved beyond the initial, local anesthesia. I survived the procedure but failed the examination. Two blocked heart arteries. So I will probably need a stent and a heart bypass. The surgical team will have a conference and decide on the best way forwards. A heart bypass involves ten days in hospital!

 After a couple of hours managing the pressure on the wound, to aid healing, they arranged a shared taxi home. So I left the Morris in a highly visible car park overnight. I can bus back tomorrow to pick it up. There is a bus from the end of the drive which goes directly to the hospital. 

 As I was excused cooking. On the grounds of being walking wounded. My guest did the honours. A spiced salad with avocado, lettuce, carrots and cucumber. Aided and abetted by fried, boiled potatoes, mushrooms and home made spicy burgers with onions. All very tasty.


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