4 Sept 2024

4.09.2024 Recycling on steroids.


  Wednesday 4th 62F/17C. Rather overcast. We are promised thundery showers all day. With perhaps a little sunshine. 26C/79F.

 Up at 5.40 after a disturbed night. With weird dreams and an overflowing fire bucket.

 8.15 Returned from a shortened walk to the lanes. I used the doctor's advice and tried the nitroglycerine spray. When I became breathless on a gentle climb. It seemed to work immediately. It was so calm today. That even the giant batteries in the wind turbines towers couldn't keep them turning. It felt humid and just comfortably warm. A lot of very large tractors on the roads. Most of them are colossal these days. With 8' rear wheels. Some of them with duplicated wheels all around for more grip and lower ground pressure.

 I need to go to the village to catch up on my missing prescription tablets. Some shopping would help to avoid selective malnutrition. 

 12.30 75F/24C. It was hot and sweaty in and out of the car. Like stepping into a greenhouse going outside. I had a collection of empty cans and bottles going back years. It was never convenient to drag them the length of the supermarket and feed them slowly, one at a time, into the one, old machine. Often with problems of rejection. Or miscounting. Which meant finding a staff member to solve the problem. Not always easy! So why bother?

 Today I checked the facilities at the supermarket on the other side of the road. It had never occurred to me before. This has an external bottle recycling room. Albeit inconveniently placed relative to the parking but with multiple machines. There is no need to count anything. It is all tipped into a machine with a large drum. Which can automatically cope with tins and plastic bottles in all sizes. Then provide a receipt to be taken to the checkouts. 

 The recycling refund can be paid out in cash or straight into one's bank account. I quite enjoyed the novelty of the experience. Instead of it being an unnecessary labour I had been putting off for years. That said, I still had to walk the thousand yards through the shop and wait at the checkout. It's all swings and roundabouts with recycling.

 13.00 It became dark and rained for a while. A huge, double tracked tractor was tilling the nearest field with discs. Amazing scale and technology. It was all over in a few minutes.

 16.30 Completion of half an hour's washing up. 😒

 It has been warm and sunny all day with only a short intermission.

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast.



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