12 Sept 2024

12.09.2024 Autumn chill.


  Thursday 12th 47F/8C. Rather cloudy but some clear sky. Threat of thundery showers. It feels much colder this morning. I have just been hanging out some laundry. The room has dropped from a steady 73F/23C to only 65F/18C. The greenhouse to 54F/12C this morning. I had better bring the Monstera back indoors. It has been enjoying its summer holidays out in the greenhouse. Under the two professional  quality shade nets. Which cover the entire greenhouse. 

 Up at 5.30 after dreaming about my wife. I was trying to catch her as she climbed a long, steep hill in a city somewhere. With multiple hurdles presented on my struggle to close the gap.

 A busy morning. I have my physio exercise class in town for an hour from 9.00. Then I have to drive nearly 30km to cooking class afterwards. Which means a change of clothes to remain socially acceptable. I quickly start sweating in closed rooms under heavy exercise. The kitchens have been unbearably warm too. Thanks to the all glass wall facing the summer sunshine at the old school. Not that this is likely today.

 It is odd how different age groups present themselves collectively. I once turned up for the cooking class on the wrong week. The alternative week team seemed years older than my own group. Then there is the physio class which follows mine. Many of who are using walking frames. 

 The difference in apparent age is really striking. As our team strides out and they hobble in to replace us. This is not remotely meant as a criticism. Merely an observation. No doubt others much younger would see us as all similarly older than themselves. 

 On my first morning at physio I quickly realised. That I have been carrying a completely false impression of my own age and fitness. Being able to ride an electric bike and do a bit of heavy gardening. Says very little about overall fitness levels. The bike can easily compensate for any weakness. No doubt an observer would see an octogenarian. Struggling with gardening tasks which would pass unnoticed to a younger person. Fortunately my level of exercise and sheer luck have kept me from gaining much weight. I can't imagine the struggle I would have to overcome extra stones, pounds or kilos.    

 12.00 58F/14C. After an hour of exercising I had nearly an hour's chat on my health with one of the physiotherapists. This was a follow up to the chat on the phone from the hospital. By the time I left it was too late for cooking class. The sun has come out. I shall go shopping this afternoon.

 16.45 Back from the shops and the recycling yard. The trailer full of weeds have been delivered. The sky was black up ahead on the way home and there was a rumble of thunder. Only a few spots of rain on the windscreen before it passed over.

 Dinner was fish fingers, oven ready chips and peas.




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