24 Sept 2024

24.09.2024 Avoiding unguided missiles.


  Tuesday 24th 59F/15C. Overcast. Possible showers. Heaviest in the east.

 Up at 6.45 after another disturbed night.

 14.30 Returned from a visit to my friend in the Morris. Going on to do some window shopping in a nearby town. I came across two flocks of idiot pheasants in the lanes. They never know quite what to do. Even when one of them shows most sense and heads straight for the verge. There are others who behave like hares and run along the road. I saw two kestrels. A male being chased by crows and a female hovering near the road. 

 Several, very bad drivers exhibited lethal behaviour on sharp, blind bends on narrow lanes. Traveling far too fast on the wrong side of the road. Only my extreme caution literally prevented head-on crashes. 

 I maintain that far too few drivers have the intelligence to manage the skill successfully and safely. Blind optimism is not a moral basis for driving. Idiocy is best left for the birds. They are unlikely to deprive a whole family of life or a vital member. 

 The problem is they will give a license to any fool. Then allow them to keep it when they prove themselves to be totally and repeatedly inadequate to the task. As if holding their driving license is a basic human right. Even when they deliberately and repeatedly trample other's rights to life.

 Dinner was chicken and mushrooms. With Fettuccine pasta but without the tinned tomatoes. It worked and worked well. I was able to enjoy the taste of every morsel. Without it being swamped in wet tomato sauce.




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