20 Sept 2024

20.09.2024 Another 59km.


  Friday 20th 57F/14C. Overcast but sunshine promised for later.

 Up at 7am after a 6.00 damp squib. No ill effects from yesterday's physio workout.  

 My tomato plants in the greenhouse don't look well.

 9.00 Back from half an hour's walk going the wrong way. Still overcast, same temperature, a light easterly breeze and too warm in a jumper and jacket.  

 A chap went past on a moped with a bike trailer. I don't think I have ever seen such a thing before. Not even sure about the legality. Well, it seems to be okay. According to mobility websites which sell them.

 10.00 Still overcast. I feel the need for a ride, but where? North/south to avoid the wind. Taking in several, village charity shops. About 45km.    

 13.30 68F/20C. Back from a 59km ride. Only much later in the morning did the sun come out. I seemed to be fighting a headwind regardless of my direction. 

 A criminally insane driver overtook me at very high speed. Missing me by inches. Just as the only oncoming car on a very long, clear straight drew alongside. The other driver made an emergency stop to try and reduce the risk to all of us. 

 I wore a pair of padded, racing shorts under denim shorts. Suffered saddle soreness from about 40km. It improved after wandering around a charity shop. Only to return later on. My cotton jacket over a jumper and racing jersey remained buttoned up until I walked back indoors.

 18.00 Returned from a shopping trip into the village. I couldn't bring frozen stuff home on the bike. A lady admired and chatted about the car. 

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips.


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