30 May 2024

30.05.2024 21km + broccoli.


  Thursday 30th 59F/15C [7.50] Bright sunshine. Thundery showers possible with hail. 

 Up at 7am after waking at 4.30. Doze mode. Dentist appointment at 1pm. More distant village. Where I can shop. I could ride there. Instead of taking the car.

 9.15 61F/16C. Sunny periods. Back from a walk to the lanes and even beyond. Testing my fitness on some mild hills. Only a little breathless. 

 Very warm. I had to take off my jacket. Which I had foolishly worn over a thick jumper. It had been cool and breezy when I left. Beautiful countryside with maturing crops softening the landscape. Cloud shadows crossing the fields.

 I ought to shop. Particularly as I really need to improve my diet. Not nearly enough fruit and veg. Too many sugary foods. Even in greasy, oven ready chips! Chicken and mushrooms have become the norm. Fish fingers and chips appear far too often. Chocolate biscuits have become my standard pudding after dinner. I have stopped eating organic apples. When I used to have one every day. 

 No cabbage nor broccoli for ages. I am even reducing my bananas and plain yogurt these days. Which used to be my standard pudding after midday lunch. I have a handful of crisps instead! Not good. No real potatoes any more. They grow roots and go soft and wrinkly long before I want to use them. No self discipline! Myself, not the potatoes. 

 14.30 Returned from e-bike shopping and visiting the dentist. 21km. I brought a large bag of fruit and veg back with me. Now I have to fit it all into meals. Broccoli goes well with fish fingers. I bought no new biscuits nor crisps! 😇 

 Dinner was broccoli and fish fingers. The broccoli was added to boiling water and stayed for only two minutes. The idea is to retain the beneficial nutrients. Which are lost when broccoli is overcooked. It also remains crisp instead of becoming soggy.



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