29 May 2024

29.05.2024 OMG?


  Wednesday 29th 55F/3C. Bright overcast and breezy. Fast moving clouds. Another rainy day is promised. 66F/19C indoors feels cold.

 Up at 6.15 after earlier perambulations. Severe stomach pain. Gas? A claimed side effect of the heart meds. No noticeable ill effects from yesterday's ride. 

 I want to deliver the second trailer load to the charity shop this morning. The rain is expected to arrive a couple of hours before the 10am opening time. However, there is a large, indoor loading bay area. So I should be able to back the trailer in. To save myself a soaking and that of the goods. No point in spoiling vintage/antique items for want of a little shelter.  

 I think I will just have time for a short walk  before it rains. The builders are back next door. They have been absent for a while. Always very quiet.

 A few hundred meters/yards of brisk walk along the road before it started raining. The rush hour traffic was nose to tail on auto pilot. Requiring that I take to the verge to avoid becoming a local headline. Fortunately [?] the verge slashing tractor had been along. So I could use the verge as a very rough path. I decided to retreat as the rain slowly petered out. 

 I need a tough pair of gloves to let me handle the spiny weeds, thistles and brambles.

 I have been watching YT videos about my intended heart/artery examination. Angiogram in English? The procedure can vary from as slight as a visit to the dentist. To weeks of serious pain and recovery. All depending on what is found and the skill of the surgeons and support staff. 

 After reading a few comments by "patients" on one video I felt nauseous with shock. I have been thinking it was just another, simple scan. Having somebody to monitor the patient afterwards seems vital. I thought I was going to "cheat" and drive home only a couple of hours later! It all seems to depend on the level of anesthesia and drugs given at the time. How much plaque is involved, site of catheter insertion and whether a stent is needed. To name but a few. Puncturing an artery is considered a fail. As is dislodging a clot to cause a stroke or heart attack.   

 09.40. Off to town with the trailer full of charity donations. 

 11.00 Returned with an empty trailer. Had a nice chat with the ladies at the charity shop. 

 Then went in search of strong chain for lifting the foundation blocks from the observatory. No hope at any of the big shed outlets. So I bought some 5mm stranded steel cable instead. I'll need to do some online homework to make a safe [strong] loop with the matching ferrules I'd also bought. Crimping tools are far too expensive for a single exercise. If they can be found.

 I saw a Red kite having a scrap with some crows.

 Dinner was chicken and mushroom curry using Ben's Medium Curry sauce.


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