20 May 2024

20.05.2024 Another sunny day.


  Monday 20th 57F/14C [7am] Bright again. Up at 6am. Bank holiday.

9.30 Returning from a walk to the lanes in warm sunshine. There was enough air movement to make it comfortable. Yet again I was surrounded by birdsong. Mostly warblers but many other voices could be heard. 

 The front garden from the greenhouse by evening light.

 The traffic was light enough not to spoil the sense of rural calm. Most drivers gave me a wide berth. More easily achieved when there is so little opposing traffic. 

 The trees and hedgerows are rapidly thickening their foliage. Making for dense shade and wildlife cover but hiding the all too familiar views. I had a chat with my nice neighbours on my past. 

 11.00 70F/21C. I ought to shop.  It looks as if the village supermarket is open. I could have another trike ride.

  12.15 Returned from the village shopping. There was too much to carry for the trike. So I went in the Morris. 

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast. The appearance was okay but I overshot by a minute. Making them more firm than runny yolks. Still tasted fine.



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