27 Jun 2024

27.06.2024 Unbelievabubble!


  Thursday 27th 63F/17C. Another warm, sunny day. It might reach 28C/82F today. Possible, thundery cloudbursts overnight tonight.

 Up at 5.45 after a fair night of weird dreams. There was a huge hornet on the kitchen window trying to get out. I carefully put a plastic jug over it to carry it outside. Only for it to die almost instantly. It hadn't injured it and there was plenty of air if it needed it. The jug was clean. Odd.

 6.45. I am going to try a walk again. Two days without one is breaking the healthy habit. Getting tired and breathless on my last walk lowered my confidence level. Meanwhile my fitness has been improving noticeably with each new day. I can climb the stair effortlessly now. Last night I carried a basket full of towels to air in the warmth upstairs.

 7.50 69F/21C. Bright sunshine. Just back from my walk. I forced myself to reach my usual turning point in the lanes. Then added another 400m by walking the neighbouring drive. Not much to report. Skylarks invisibly overhead. A flock of swallows was cavorting around Scrapman's hideous hoard. A giant 7axle tipper truck was delivering sand. Lifting a cloud of dust of which even the Sahara would be proud. 

 I was too warm in a t-shirt. My legs were octogenarian instead of septuagenarian. I am suddenly and acutely aware. Of walking unsteadily like the old man I only pretend to be. 18 months ago I was lifting 150kg paving slabs and great lengths of 6x6 timber! Whatever happened to that immortal superman?

 14.00 84F/29C!! Bright sunshine and a pleasant breeze. Unbelievabubble! I wanted a larger tank for the goldfish. So I checked the small ads online websites. A chap in the nearest town was selling the very aquarium I wanted. 100x50x50cm = 250 liters. About 55 gallons. For only 1/5th of the new price. So I drove straight into town with the trailer. He threw in an internal power filter, air pump and lights. Saving me further expense.

 17.00 77F/25C. Overcast. I woke from a nap to find it is 75F/24C indoors. I'll leave the greenhouse end doors open to shed the excess heat. Currently just over 80F/27C. Cloudbursts are reported to the west in South Jylland. The radar shows rain, thunder and lightning is moving north close to us already. Though nothing is heard or seen yet. There is a long gap shown over Fyn as the bad weather slides past.

 The bad weather eventually arrived. With almost continuous lightning but little thunder or rain so far. It won't drop below 17C overnight.

 Dinner was a fry up.


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