26 Jun 2024

26.06.2024 Fried or boiled?


  Wednesday 26th 64F/18C [7.30] Another warm, sunny day is promised. With a maximum just over 25C/77F. Stop laughing at the back! We cant all afford to fly south to fry or boil.

 Finally up at 7am after waking at four. The fire bucket was well beyond my 2kg lifting limit this morning. Three visits before 2am. I was being flippant yesterday. By consuming a small beer with dinner. Before throwing caution to the wind and having a coffee as well. That was well beyond the supposed deadline for any liquid refreshment.  

 I shall have a tootle in the Morris to see my friend. A cycle ride of this distance would be a little premature. Particularly with the Brooks B67 saddle fitted.

 12.15 78F/26C and full sun! Returned from my visit. We sat outside and were entertained by blue damsel flies and Wagtails feeding their young. The countryside and gardens have never been more lovely. With many shrubs and trees looking their best. Particularly the red forms of beech. Which darken over the summer. I passed a long, variegated red, beech hedge bordering a farmhouse lawn.

 New cycle paths are completed along both sides of a long straight. Where the traffic tends to speed. I shopped for essentials on the way home. The Morris responded well to a lowering of the tire pressures to 30PSI or 2Bar. Before that it felt like a roller skate with square wheels on many surfaces. 

 I have been catching up on the laundry and washing up. Lazy git! I also had to replace the compact fluorescent bulb in the little aquarium. It started flickering. I could see no way to remove the tank's lid. So I had to remove eight tiny cross-head screws over the open water. Luckily I had a spare, tiny LED bulb with the E27 thread. 

 My days are spent wandering around the living room with a tape measure. Trying to work out where a larger tank could go. I have grown fond of the two goldfish [Bill&Ben] as they doubled in size in a week. Cleaning the sponge in the internal, power filter restored the flow. The fish were given names by my visitor. To reflect all my activities with my large, indoor plants. Aka: Flower Pot Man.

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast. I was sensible and had only a small apple juice afterwards. No beer or coffee.





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