28 Jun 2024

28.06.2024 Keep on jugglin'.


  Friday 28th 63F/17C [6.00]. Heavy overcast.

 Up at 5.20 after a reasonable night. I have the hospital follow up on the blocked heart artery procedure this morning. I will have to drive to the city in normal traffic. So I should leave in plenty of time. 

 13.00 I returned home after having a long chat at the hospital. They suggested I have my fitness assessment and physiotherapy at the city hospital. Instead of the more distant one. Juggling medicine balls? I can't wait! I was given a blood pressure chart to complete over three days and return via email.

 After that I drove to the fish keeping shop. Coming away with 30kg of gravel and two under-gravel filter kits. They have two giants working there. One of them, carried the two bags to the car as if they weighed nothing. Then leaned in and put them on the back seat of the Morris for me. 

 Back at home I struggled to carry even one bag to the door. I often used to carry two or three 10kg bags of wood briquettes. Over from the shed for the stove. Happy days!

 Dinner was mackerel on whole grain toast. With halved tomatoes. Washed down with an apple juice. And don't call me a health freak! 😉



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