26 Jul 2024

26.07.2024 Soggy!


 Friday 26th 64F/18C [8.15]  Overcast and windy. Lots of rain expected. Denmark has already broken the record for wettest year since they started measuring. Some places have had a year's rain in one month.

Up at 7.20 after a night of filling the fire bucket at hourly intervals. My back is aching but that seems to be normal. A walk usually fixes it after a few hundred meters. 

 The rain has put a damper on most of my activities. Though the DMI's radar shows I have about an hour before the leading edge of the deluge arrives. So I should go for my morning walk. Now!

 10.30 Raining hard. Too wet to continue dismantling the observatory. I didn't time my return from my walk. It remained dry but grey and breezy. I only walked down to the bottom of the neighbours' shared drive. Took a few pictures and then walked back. A few hundred meters each way. A kilometer in total distance. My aching back is cured again.

 Another day browsing and watching YT videos. I have to go shopping to get more rolls for lunch. So the Morris will get another outing.

 The goldfish are doing well in their larger home. They are very active and often swim up to the glass. In the hope of my movements will result in another snack. The fish keep pulling up the plants and trying to bite them. Goldfish growth can almost be measured by the week. If they have enough room. 

 I enjoy their company and having something to talk to. Being able to leave them to their own devices saves me worrying about a warmer pet.  The water remains crystal clear. Probably thanks to the internal power filter. I'll give it another week or two and then the water should be safe with only the under-gravel filter running off the air pump. 

 13.00 Back from the shops. Only raining lightly now but everything is very wet. The roads are saturated. The weekend should be drier. With more normal summer weather next week.

 18.45 The sun came out. I have the first frame down from the observatory. The search for more screws goes on. So that the other frames can come down. It feels a bit [h]airy up there with nothing outboard of the makeshift planks and boards to stand on.

 Dinner will be salad.



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