25 Jul 2024

25.07.2024 Demolition man!


 Thursday 25th 58F/14C [7.30] Bright. A dry day with slightly lighter mostly SW winds.

 Up at 5.40 after another difficult night. Bad dreams and lying awake for ages.

 I may be repaired enough to go for a ride today. Too many long ride had taken their toll on my undersides. Depending on my plans for distance traveled I can try out the chamois cream. As usual I haven't a clue where I might want to go. My destination is usually chosen entirely on a whim.

  7.50. A walk first.

 9.30 I returned from a walk up to the forest by the steep track. I traversed the ridge. Where I saw three hares and three deer. Lots of "wild flowers" on patches of "set aside." A Red kite soared over. 

 My usual direct descent route was blocked by an impenetrable hedge. So I had to backtrack all the way I had come. Rather cloudy with fleeting patches of sunlight on the landscape. 

 11.00 67F/19C. Sunny. Still looking at potential routes for a ride. I need to shop too.

 12.15 70F/21C. I decided to stay at home and work on dismantling the observatory. It is hot work in the sunshine. Only four more sheets of cladding plywood removed so far. Reaching the fixing screws from ladders behind the observatory is proving a chore. With the oak trees getting in the way. I had better have a rest and early lunch.

 16.30 70F/21C. Warm with sunny periods. Demolition of the outer observatory building is going steadily. Most of the plywood cladding boards have been taken down. There are always more screws to undo. Many of them hidden by the noggings. 

 These horizontal braces were added after the full height frames were pulled upright. I used a lot of 150mm/6" screws to hold the frames together. With 10mm galvanized coach bolts near the top for extra security. 

 No ill effects apart from tiredness and aching all over. Now that I have stopped for a rest and a cup of tea. And a nap.

 I should have gone shopping. It will just have to be toast again.

 18.15 It started raining lightly but only briefly. 

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast.



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