7 Mar 2024

7.03.2024 Failing to imbibe.


  Thursday 7th 29F/-2C [at 6.30] The cars are white. Forecast of cloud or some sunshine. Up at 5.40 after a restless night. Back aching. Visit to the doctor at 9.30. To see about my ageing plumbing. I'll have to keep my legs crossed. In case they want a sample of my orange juice. 

 The sunken part of the garden beside the observatory. There are more branches to remove in the background. The gravel in the foreground is newly placed for the trailer. I want to raise the whole sunken area to parking area level. The same as the observatory pad on the right. Then build a double carport in place of the observatory. After the latter is dismantled.  

 I seem to be drinking well under the recommended 2L per day for an active old fart. I normally consume 6x 0.25 litres of tea and coffee. Or 1.5 litres. Plus the milk on my morning muesli. [Yet to be measured] With very little variation over the years. I know I should probably drink more apple juice on my cycle rides. 

 Where to fit in another cup or two in a day? I was quite shocked to discover that the mugs I use at home contain only 0.25l. Just reconfirmed with a measuring jug. I had always assumed the mugs were half a litre. Which would be quite silly.  Since that is 0.9 of a pint. A coffee mug is nothing like a half pint beer mug at the pub. 

 Does the UK still use pints? I may be out of touch after 40 years abstinence from British pubs. The tin of Danish beer, which I usually drink with my evening meal, is only 0.3 litres. So I had better not give up my beer or I shall be dehydrated. The problem is the beer makes me get up in the night. Should I make dinner at lunch time? 

 It would require a major change of course after years of evening meals. It would mean I would be sleeping on a full stomach during my afternoon nap. Eating at eight, or before, gives me three hours for dinner to go down before bedtime, Even then I often feel too full. I may have to give up on dinner. It can't be good for me! 😋

 7.30. Light enough for a walk. Had a chat with my nice neighbour on my return. He speaks excellent English and has two nice, little dogs.

 8.00 The building workers next door are probably Eastern European. One of them spoke some limited English. I asked them politely to keep my drive free. I tried to explain my car was going to be taken away tomorrow. So needed lots of space. I don't think it sank in. On my return from my walk they are parked right across the end! Not helpful. 

 9.00 Morris Minor battery reading 13V. The motor whizzes round on the starter motor but will not fire. I cleaned the points in the control box with postcard as advised. Nothing. Showered. Heading to the surgery.

 11.00 Back from the doctor and shopping. No obvious bacteria in my orange juice. Drawn fresh from the source. Specimen sent off to the central lab. Will hear on Monday. Mentioned my recent racing heart/panting/chest pain problem at the museum. They checked me with a load of sensors. Will probably be sent to the hospital for more intensive examination. I am supposed to ring the health emergency number 112 if I have another episode. It could be fatal! Haircut at 1.30 today. Hearing aid help in town first.

 12.00 The lady at the hearing aid centre reloaded the old app and everything was back to normal. 

 12.30 I found two oriental carpets in a charity shop. £10 equivalent each. The ladies were enjoying serving me and practising their English. A very helpful and friendly lot. I want a rug to protect the large carpet where I sit at the computer and the TV. I'll give them a good vacuum before they come indoors.

 13.00 Lunch before going for a haircut. 

 14.00 Returned home after being neatly shorn. Had a pleasant chat with the hairdresser. [In Danish] I have been going to her for years. 

 Now I am going to reduce some of the lopped branches enough to go in the trailer. Then get rid of a load to the recycling yard if I can. Every little helps on the road to tidiness.

 16.30 Back from a second run to the recycling yard. Again with the trailer piled high with branches. Well lashed down with rope. Weak sunshine is slowly strengthening. 

 17.00 Having a late nap.

 18.00  59F/15C in the room. Stove lit.  I started my second load of laundry. First load hung up. Brought in my fourth basket of logs today. 

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast.




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