23 Jan 2024

23.01.2024 An omelette! 😋


 Tuesday 23rd 41F/6C. Scattered wintry showers and breezy. Up at 7am.

 7.50 Still very dark. 61F/16C in the room. Stove lit.

 9.50 Returning from a short walk. Windy and cold with watery sunshine through the clouds. I upset a kestrel by staring at it while it hovered. Then passed a nervous male pheasant hiding close to the drive. 

 There is an unmarked van outside a property which has been empty for some time. They have left the outside lights on and a window open but haven't reversed in. Which would have allowed much easier unloading of any possible cargo. Like furniture or belongings for example. It could be a contractor pricing repairs or other work. Who knows?

 15.00 It has been quite sunny. 66F/19C in the room despite the stove going out. Returning from visiting my British friend. I went in the Morris Minor. Which had suffered from dampness during the frosty weather. The roof lining was dripping. Hardly surprising as snow has been  lying on the car roof for ages. I need a carport! Or a garage. I could build quite a decent one with the materials from the observatory building.

 19.00 71F/21C in the room. Washing up over. To avoid yet another bout of chips and fish fingers I am aiming for a cheese omelette. With the new frying pan I should finally be able to achieve a cosmetically acceptable result. One which does not look like a child was practising scrambled eggs without parental guidance. 

 Sadly I have no mushrooms. So will attempt the addition of small, fresh tomatoes. Worst case scenario it will look like oversized currants in an un-risen bun. Wish me luck!

 The omelette was mouth wateringly, utterly superb! I should have let it cool but instead, I scoffed it down like Midas. To have added the tomatoes to the batter would have risked all and so I relented. 

 I had only three eggs left. So added milk in lesser proportion. Grated cheddar cheese was added in generous amounts before folding. I should have cooked at 7 out of 9. So wasted far too much time. Waiting for the omelette to firm up and brown at a modest 6. Nevertheless it was a minor culinary triumph. Albeit by my own, very modest standards.



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