22 Jan 2024

22.01.2024 Lean on me!


 Monday 22nd 42F/6C. Gales! A series of storms is crossing. With gusts over 20m/s for three days in a row. The worst affected areas are the western coasts of Jylland. [Jutland] Storm Isha is leaving the UK. 

 05.30 Stove lit. 60F/15C in the room. Up at 4.45 to escape from dreams and memories. I have been going around with a pistol, remote thermometer. Checking for cold spots and draughts. The kitchen extractor fan is blowing cold, outside air with every wind gust. Not helpful! The self closing louvre is hopeless in windy conditions. The fan doesn't have enough blowing power to lift the louvres if I load them.

 6.00 I have an ear wax clearing appointment this morning. Which means a trip into town. I hope the car behaves itself. I could go in the Morris Minor but the roads will probably still be salty. The gales and heavy rain deny me a ride on the Moustache e-bike.

 8.30 I had a nap, a shower and then I remembered my appointment was moved to Thursday. I had left the original appointment up on my PC calendar. Never mind. I have started attacking the laundry.

 8.45 45F/7C outside. 63F/17C in the room. Very heavily overcast. The empty dustbin had blown over across the end of the drive. So I walked along and fetched it. The wind is very strong but the rain hardly a mist at the moment. Though I was not tempted to have a proper walk. The S-SW gales have even driven rain against the north facing windows under the roof overhang. The wind is supposed to drop slightly after 10am. With the rain forecast to end at about the same time. The are reports of many fallen trees in south Jylland not far to the west.

 10.10 The sun came out and the greenhouse started warming. The wind has dropped considerably.

 11.00 55F/13C in the greenhouse. I think four downlighters will be required out there. For an even spread of light. No point in driving to town just to buy two more lights. I can get them on Thursday.

 13.45 46F/8C. Now overcast. Still blowing. I might wander around the drives loop for some exercise. It will get me away from the computer and watching endless YouTube videos! Though I am doing research on interior and exterior wall insulation. So it's not just passive, couch potato viewing. Not that I have a couch any more.

 15.00 Returning from a short, windswept walk. My neighbour's recycling bins must have had a good night out. 😉 Only the master fuse box prevented an even greater lean. It just shows how strong the wind was.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast. With halved fresh tomatoes.



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