6 Mar 2023

6.03.2023 Bit of a frost.


 Monday 6th -4C/24F. Bright, but the sky is covered in smudgy stripes. Up at 6am. I lit the stove and then forgot to feed it. So I had to relight it. Again! I need more kindling.

 A hard, white, ground frost on my walk. A few greenfinches in the trees. Several geese went over in opposite directions. They do that a lot. The wind is lighter today.

 I am investigating the best way to protect my e-bike from theft. Multiple highly rated locks and securing to street furniture seems to be the strongest deterrent. Provided the two legged rats don't use a rechargeable angle grinder. Then the heavyweight and hideously expensive locks melt like butter.

 The bike lock manufacturers are still relying on 18th century, dreadnought engineering. At genuine antique prices. Bike chains are so heavy that they are more suitable for larger motorcycles! But hey, the big names in bike locks have to make a fat profit! I wonder how many part-time staff they have decorating their [supposed] R&D departments. Do you suppose they double as canteen staff at Kryptonite?

 Removal of the main battery is another form of security. Not always easy outside a supermarket. As the batteries weigh several kilos/pounds. Use a shopping trolley rather than a basket for your grocery shopping? I'd have to watch out for shorts. On the metalwork!

 A 50lb bike, without power, is hard work for an emaciated drug addict. Desperately trying to reach their fence. Who will not be best pleased. The batteries themselves are prized by the same scum. For obvious reasons. 

 There are electronic devices. Including GPS and Bluetooth alarms and trackers. With connections via the network to one's mobile phone. Some Bosch motor control units are removable. So will deny power assistance to the fleeing drug addict/thief. The e-bike manufacturers are not claiming increased security for their own machines in their sales propaganda. Presumably they prefer to let the heavyweight [antique] bike lock manufacturers rake it in? It would not do their image any good. To be seen as heavy engineering companies. Instead of creators of [fantasy] lightweight e-bikes.

 Some e-bikes can fold their handlebars at right angles to the front wheel. Ideal, if you need to park your e-bike in a corridor or narrow hallway. That would make the bike unrideable. If it is securely locked in that position. Or, easier to slide into a van. If you are an East European, crime syndicate. A bit of imagination might work here. In using a small U-lock, or padlock. To secure the bars immovably to the frame. Leaving me the option of losing the key... 😱

 The brake disks can be immobilized to deter chance thieves. Angle-grinding a padlock is something best left to a thief's hidden workshop. Or that of his fence. The owner of a Danish bike shop was recently prosecuted for handling loads of stolen bikes. Good to know.

 11.00 3C/37F. Sunny periods. Returned from the shops with groceries and three more sacks of kindling. 

 20.00 36F. Anyone hoping for a picture of my mackerel on toast will be disappointed. I ate it. The mackerel, not the picture. They call it spontaneous consumption. 

 The new laptop battery should be in the post tomorrow. I was hoping for an e-bike. Or even my new helmet. There is another storm warning tomorrow. Peaking in the late afternoon. The promised snow storm is happening further north. That's nice. I am too old to be building a snowman!


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