5 Mar 2023

5.03.2023 22 more miles.


 Sunday 5th 28F. Mostly clear with a few thin, high clouds. No ill effects from yesterday's ride.

 9.15 Back from a brisk walk to the lanes in bright sunshine. A few streaks of high cloud. Light Sunday traffic. Not many birds were visible today. 

 The trike posed near the bottom of the steepest climb I know of locally. I will take the first lane on the right after this.

 My friend and I have been discussing the various routes between our two homes. The ~22km/15mile ride has a low point in the middle. Which means a long drag uphill [by trike] by every possible route of the three I have tried so far. With yet more variations going both ways. As I discovered yesterday on the return leg! 

 A fourth route, via tiny lanes, to bypass the lowest point in the middle, is also possible. Though it means losing some height after an initial long drag. I shall have to explore that option myself. Before committing myself to further pain and misery!  

 That's the problem with cycling. You have to do lots of it before it gets easier on the legs and lungs!  If you ease up, as I have done over the past couple of years, your previous form is lost. Until it can be regained by more training. The e-bike will provide an easier route back to cycling fitness. Provided I put some real effort into the pedals. 

 Using the new bike as a self-propelled moped, with minimal effort, will not improve my cycling condition. Working hard on the bike with low motor assistance, will speed a return to fitness. While, hopefully, providing greater range. Or, it will provide higher, average speeds. Without draining the battery so much. At least that is how I imagine it. Only riding the bike will provide useful experience and more solid data.

 Talking of which it is sunny again but with much lighter NW winds. I am off for another ride! 😎 Which means I should remove the big yellow bag and rack. 

 With the little black Carradice saddlebag aboard I was looking at 15kg all up weight. The yellow bag, rack and typical stuffing come to about 3kg altogether. So the trike is usually rolling at 18kg. Plus any shopping on the way back. I had the wind behind me at first. So I was cruising between 18 and 21mph for a while. Though it soon came down to 16mph on the exposed flat of the main road.

 The second image is looking back down the valley to where I took the first image. I am only at the half way point of the climb here. With the incline increasing steadily. As it winds up to a fierce bend right at the summit.

 I went in search of alternative routes to try and cut out the long climbs. No new routes were to be found. Which did not involve losing height. Before having to climb all the way back up again. To regain the lost altitude.

 Later I sought out the steepest hills I could find. Just for a bit of fun. Then had to stand up in bottom gear. Probably around one in four or five at the summit of the hardest climb. I never thought to check the slope with my phone. There is a website discussing the steepest public roads in Denmark. The steepest hill I climbed today runs out to gravel as it passes a farm just after the top. A sign forbids through traffic. So it does not feature on the website.

 A total of 22 miles today. Fighting a cold headwind on the way home. As if to emphasize my lack of form I was overtaken by a big kid. Riding an electric scooter. He went past me at at about 12mph uphill. As I struggled to maintain 7mph, spinning at 90rpm up the long drag.   

 Yesterday I managed to choose one of the hilliest areas on south west Fyn for my ride home. The biggest and longest hill I climbed even gets a mention online. As good for training in hill climbing! It was no wonder I was tired! 

 Back at home my ears were hurting. Where my sunglasses and hearing aids were competing for room under my helmet straps. Hopefully the new helmet will have more room around the ears. The hearing aids are proving vital to warn me of traffic coming from behind. I have a rear view mirror but can often hear them coming. Before they are in sight. This is also true of electric cars, Tyre roar makes them as audible as most other cars.

  15.30 3C/38F. Despite the low outside temperature I haven't had to light the stove today. I have had the greenhouse and other internal doors open since I came home. To warm the house using only the sun. I had to close the doors at 4.30. This was due to the sinking sun going behind clouds and intervening trees. On Tuesday night we can expect a snow storm!

 18.00 +1C/33F. I had better light the stove. Still a comfortable 19C/66F upstairs. A slightly chillier 17C/63F downstairs. 

 Sunday dinner is underway. Potatoes peeled and simmering. Carrots and peas in a while. Chicken and mushrooms will be slow fried at reduced heat. Bisto is pasted and at the ready in the saucepan. The deep plate is warming on the stove.

 I am getting good at this. It was all fine this time. Slightly too much gravy. Only 1½ cups of water needed. Not two. I used it all.


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