16 May 2021

16.05.2021 Mixed morals and high ground built on blood soaked sand.


Sunday 16th 50-59F, overcast. Showers and rain promised. Possible thundery cloudbursts later.

A walk to the lanes and beyond. As the overcast broke up to cloud and patches of blue. Warblers performed in the hedgerows as skylarks sang down from the wings. Above them all, a Red kite circled as it steadily gained height. Drifting slowly over the landscape from its god-like position in the hierarchy. Glimpses of watery sunshine soon led to this Twirly becoming Twarm. Off came the jacket as I plodded homewards against the Sunday traffic.


Yet another moral hurdle has been raised against genocidal dictator, Sly "Plague" Jinping's use of forced labour. Not the usual profiteering, party members. Making billions from producing Western "labels" with what is undisguised, modern slavery. This time it is the use of forced labour to make solar panels or their vital constituents. The communist slavers have grabbed a disproportionately large chunk of the global, solar panel market.

The country aiming most criticism at this evil policy is the DSA. [Divided States of America] The world's self proclaimed "Boy Scout."" God's Own Country:" Built on genocide, land theft, resource theft, species eradication, slavery and germ warfare. Continuing the slavery right up to the present day. Bozo, McSlobs, et al. Minimum wages for long hours. Often in appalling or dangerous working conditions. Lower than incomes from morning paper rounds which would be sneered at elsewhere.

Exactly the same can be said, of course, for many other, wealthy, Western nations. Their empires were nothing short of armed, economic invasions. Followed by the familiar shortcuts to instant wealth, for the few. If you don't have to pay for anything then how can you possibly lose? Incompetence?

The chateaus, stately homes, castles and sprawling estates were mostly built on slavery. Of one sort or another. Or all of them. Human bloodshed, tortured flesh and broken bones. Leading to the snobbery of Old Money and centuries of blood-drenched, aristocracy and royalty. Still wielding their corrupt power over the "lower orders" to this very day. Often operating outside the law. Which they, themselves, corruptly contrived to pass "for the greater good." 


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