30 Jan 2021

30.01.2021 Such a todo about nothing at all.


Saturday 30th -5C/23F White frost but clear. With sunshine on offer. Even a light, northerly breeze to add to the chill. I'm going to try my usual walk today. 

I was warmly dressed as clomped off towards a slightly dog-eared, full moon. The low, blinding sun had only just risen at my back. The sky was clear of cloud except for a little on the far horizons. A few chaffinches and sparrows formed silhouettes in the roadside trees and hedges. One or two distant gulls. 

Traffic was lighter than usual. The neighbour's dog was barking after yet another, freezing night outside. Unprotected against the chill while guarding against every sound which might just be the big bad world encroaching. Others need a dozen insecurity lights to protect themselves 24x367 against the bogeyman.

No ill effects but I had to remove my gloves and hat for the last leg. I was becoming too warm. That was about it for today's excursion. I had some more exercise in the garden later.



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