3 Nov 2020

3rd November 2020 Where were the real MIBs when the cosplay Chump showed up?


Tuesday 3rd 48-53F. Windy but with clear patches between the clouds. The wind is highly variable. Going from trees bending to almost complete calm. A brisk walk to the lanes and back. Hundreds of gulls circled over the mink farm. 

12.00 The morning turned very cloudy until nearly lunch time. Now I am feeling unwell again. Headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath. I think I must have been poisoned on my walk around the fields yesterday. There is nothing else I have been exposed to that I know of.

One in four of those infected with the Jinping Plague has a non-Danish country of origin. Yet they represent only 9% of the Danish population.



Today, the US electorate decides the future of mankind. Do we get the same aggressive, unstable, deluded, territorial Neanderthal ? But further reinforced in his role by his dumb followers? Or just more of the same-old, same-old, Establishment corruption? Answers on a voting ballot form to Gotham City Mayor's Office.

One can almost understand the US citizens desperate desire for change back in 2016. No superhero had stepped forward to cure America's deep-seated ills. The token black leader had promised The Earth but had failed to provide the necessary sea change. Not helped by the lack of a majority elsewhere.

So a new, self-styled alien presented himself as the endlessly recycled, comic book saviour. All they really got was a very lopsided, totally corrupt, deranged sociopath. Whose only recognisable human trait was an extremely unlikely hairstyle and colour. Their new, ersatz superhero soon proved to be seriously flawed. More of your insane and seriously abused Joker. Than the equally tormented, Caped Crusader.

He obviously saw himself in a completely different light to the cruel, uncaring, overtly vicious ape which I saw. He who repeatedly trumpled [sic] on the weak, sick and defenceless as if they were mere extras in his equally vicious, TV series. They should really have seen that one coming as a dress rehearsal. What if he was ever to gain power over real human beings? It seems many Americans are as obsessed with seriously flawed slebs. As are others of their equally flawed royalty elsewhere.

I knew little to nothing of The Chump who had appeared almost out of nowhere. But rapidly developed an overpowering loathing. One which made it completely impossible for me to listen to him spout his deluded, hate speech, drivel. Or to watch the hideous creature slime all over the surrealistic movie set. Which suddenly dominated the TV and online news. 

Why could nobody else see The Predator in his terrifyingly ridiculous, Walmart cereal packet, cosplay, office suit? Where were the MIBs, with their shiny zap guns? Ready to match every possible alien threat? No matter how hideous the badly concealed, baby-munching creature. Squelching horribly beneath their unlikely and bloated disguise!

The Chump Predator was something hideously alien. The lead creature out of an unbelievably nasty, cheap and just plain bad, horror, B-movie. One which will go down in history as the worst movie ever made. With by far the the worst cast ever. Though the weird creature kept killing them off almost as fast as he appointed them. 

What made The Chump, alien invasion worse, for me, was the horde of loyal, zombie followers. All ready and willing to build the new concentration camps at the behest of their "Grate" Leader. There were  literally millions who could not see through the sick, evil clown's mask. To the revolting and slimy alien beneath the hideously ugly facade. 

Natural justice will find him in front of a string of judges if he loses his immunity as the Head US mafia boss. No doubt his cohorts will claim they "were only following orders" before their sentencing. Chump's one, last, great failure must surely be not reaching a nice, round 250,000 dead before the election. So close, but no cigar! This must surely be a huge disappointment for Chump. He doesn't like cemeteries full of "losers."   

If I keep on like this the CIA will be accusing me of being an Iranian with Russian ancestry. 🤣


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