25 Sept 2024

25.09.2024 Another heart scan.


 Wednesday 25th 54F/12C. Overcast and breezy.  Rain and scattered showers forecast.

 Up at 7am after a night of strangely detailed and illogical dreams.

 Hospital ultrasound heart scan this morning in the city. I have had my shower and am making final preparations for the journey in the rush hour. 

 All my clothes are old and tattered. Often literally full of holes. Most of it came from charity shops. Mostly from years ago. Long before we stopped going out together on an almost daily basis. I looked at t-shirts outside a clothing chain store yesterday. 200kr/£22.40 each! Made in Bangladesh. I wondered whether those working in the dangerous sweat shops make that much per month. 

 13.00 Returned from the hospital visit in the city. The scan was very thorough. It seems my "false" heartbeats are getting worse! I shall have to wear a heart monitor and report back about any reaction to heavy exercise. This may lead to my having a pacemaker. The various doctors are conferring as the best way forward. Afterwards I toured the shopping malls and even bought a couple of mid-priced t-shirts. I looked at washing machines too. I have had quite a decent length of walk altogether today.

 13.40 I missed the rain while I was out. Which has just started with a darkened sky and a cloudburst! It is absolutely hammering down on the greenhouse. Normally it is difficult to hear the rain through the double glazing. This is with a single layer of shade netting on the greenhouse roof too.

 14.00 I didn't monitor exactly when the rain stopped lashing down but it must have been around half an hour! There is a warning of danger of heavy rain tomorrow for our area from the DMI. Germany, just to the south, has had severe flooding! 

 I have a busy day tomorrow: Physio class, followed by a drive to the cooking class and then back to the hairdresser, near home in the afternoon.

 Dinner was a salmon pasty with chips. I had gone off the pasties due to repeated under-cooking in the mini oven. Today I put it on the top shelf. After ensuring the chips were brown. Job done.


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