23 Sept 2024

23.09.2024 Another 41km.


  Monday 23rd 48F/9C [7.40] Bright, with thick mist clearing quickly. Sunshine promised.

 Up at 7am after another difficult night. Physio in town this morning.

 I know it sounds completely trivial but I made a simple home improvement. I removed the locks from two pairs of double cupboard doors. So now the left hand doors of two cupboards can be opened. Without opening the right side first. I was so sick of fiddling with them. Neither cupboard was amenable to reorganization of the contents. 

 10.30 60F/16C. Bright sunshine. Returned from physio class. I am beginning to enjoy the benefits of improving balance and interval training. I noticed on my last ride that I was going better than expected. My practice on the e-bike has been the complete avoidance of breathlessness or pain. Doing intervals on the exercise bike and carrying this over to the e-bike is certainly helping. I deliberately choose lower assistance levels now. To make myself work harder. My initial clumsiness on balance exercises has noticeably improved. I will never be a ballerina. As it is a little late to have any ambitions in that direction.

 I could have another ride today. After a rest day yesterday. It doesn't have to be a long ride. Just enjoying the empty lanes. The weather is changing to autumn wind and rain tomorrow. So I ought to celebrate the last of the late summer conditions while I still can. The usual problem is deciding where to go and remembering to take lunch with me. 

 I know exactly where I want to go. The empty lanes on the unspoilt west coast. Distance a matter of taste. I'll take my binoculars to better enjoy the coast and any wildlife. 

 14.30 71F/22C! Back from the coastal lanes. Not quite empty but close enough. There was quite a stretch of sand and rough gravel. A private road, with no uninvited vehicles, but part of a national cycle path. I hit some soft sand on a corner and managed quite a wobble. Before I was able to correct it. The fat tires help. 41km. With 10km of saddle soreness. Despite the padded racing shorts. 

 I did some tidying and laundry this afternoon.

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast.




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