17 Sept 2024

17.09.2024 Garden waste.


  Tuesday 17th 54F/12C. [7.15] Overcast, misty and breezy. Another sunny day is promised. The large scale mist warning for Jylland to the west is spreading here. Only silhouettes visible at 400 meters.

 Up at 6.30 after a quiet night filling the fire bucket. I blame the after dinner coffee. He never learns! Lower back pain back again. I'll have to have a walk.

 68F/20C in the room this morning. All thanks to the greenhouse sharing its heat yesterday. I have removed one layer of shade netting and leave the end doors closed. This raised the greenhouse to 86F/30C yesterday. It took a long time for the heat to dissipate too. Still 75F/24C at 7pm. Presumably due to the brick floor and the southern house wall absorbing heat from the sun. 

 I'll probably visit my English friend on my e-bike later. Hopefully the mist will have cleared and my quadriceps stopped hurting. The latter probably the result of multiple squats at yesterday's physio session.

 8.15. I returned from my walk. My thigh muscles continue to hurt. There will be no ride today. I'll have to drive there in the Morris. 

9.45 The mist has lifted. Still no sunshine.     

 Enjoyed an hour and half chatting with my friend. It was easily warm enough to stand about outside.  Admiring his large garden. Then I returned in time for lunch.

 17.00 63F/17C. Overcast. Tea break. I have been steadily reducing the huge pile of branches. Using loppers and an electric chainsaw. Then stuffing them upright in the trailer. They proved willing to be be easily compressed. So that three quarters of the pile is now ready for a trip to the recycling yard. The vicious spines only added to the fun.

 18.30 I decided to deliver the branches to the recycling yard. Just to be rid of them. The trailer tipping function may be manual but is very easy to operate. Being nicely balanced. After dropping the tailgate I used a rake to unload. Which saved my gloved hands from damage by the nasty spines. Most of it was wild plumbs or hawthorn.

 Dinner was sardines on toast.



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