13 Sept 2024

13.09.2024 When the cure is worse than the bite!


  Friday 13th 47F/8C [7.50] Bright with a sunny morning promised. Peaking at only 14C/57F.

 Up at 6am after a quiet night.

 14.00 Returned from a 97km ride. I saw a Morris Minor almost identical to mine near the road and stopped to speak to the lady owner. She had only had it for a few months and was enjoying driving it around town.

I was bitten on the thigh early on in my ride and it stung like mad. So I found some Dock leaves and applied the crushed foliage. Well, it works for nettles! 

 My leg went on stinging all the time I was out. As the clouds steadily thickened. I wore the Endura rain jacket zipped up all day and it was perfectly comfortable. Even when I turned back for home and discovered the headwind.

 Now I am back at home I can see that my whole thigh is bright red. Whether it is the bite or a reaction to the Dock leaf juice I have no idea. 

 I have washed the area, wiped it with a wet wipe and applied cornflower water. The latter works well for gnat bites. It is still stinging badly. It is Friday and the doctor's surgery closed ages ago. I have tried Tee tree oil cream. It stings even worse. I'll ask Google for home remedies. Roll on deodorant?  No, that's worse! Baking soda? Do I have any?

 They may have home remedies for severe saddle soreness too.

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast. I forgot to add the time the eggs sat in the cup in the boiling water. They were fine but no longer runny. I prefer runny.



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