6 Aug 2024

6.08.2024 Dentist.


 Tuesday 6th 57F/14C [6.40] Bright with another sunny day promised.  24C/75F by late afternoon. A southerly breeze.

  Up at 5.15 after a quiet night with weird dreams. I have a dental appointment around lunch time.

 8.30. 67F/19C. Back from a warm and sunny, deliberately brisk walk to the lanes. A large tractor was spraying off a harvested, roadside field. Though at a distance by the time I arrived and he soon stopped. Probably to go back to the local farm for more chemicals. A harrier sized bird of prey sailed across the field beside the lane. Soon lost behind trees. The traffic was quite busy this morning. The holidays must be over for some of them. 

 Spent some time during the morning looking at the sun with my small, solar telescope.

 14.30 Returning from the dentist and visiting a lady in the village on the way home. The dentist used a scanner inside my mouth. It takes lots of close-up pictures and sends them to a laptop with special software. This process was repeated for the upper and lower jaws and the teeth. Followed by similar scanning of my teeth when they were gently biting on each other.

 17.30 It is still 74F/23C now in breezy sunshine. 

 Dinner was salad. There was no tuna in the supermarket. So I used boiled eggs instead.





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