4 Aug 2024

4.08.2024 1984?


  Sunday 4th 62F/17C [6.30]. Overcast. Showers. Possibly thundery.

 Up at 5.30 after a fairly quiet night. It's a shame I couldn't go for a ride yesterday. When it was warm and sunny.

 7.05 There was thunder and heavy rain just after 7am. More rumbles later.

The sun came out later. So I went out with a small solar telescope to see the large spot arriving from behind the sun.

 I keep falling asleep! YouTube will do that to you. 

 I found it fascinating to watch how individuals behaved in the riots in Britain. From their body language it was obvious that many were very afraid but being egged on by others. This behaviour was repeated constantly in all the videos I saw. 

 Some of those present were clearly over-excited to have an outlet for their daily frustrations. Dancing around like children. Without a clue how they were really meant to behave in such an unfamiliar situation. 

 Attacking the police is never the answer. They may be the faces you see. As defending the unelected sociopaths. However, those wearing their uniforms are all human beings. They protect the public from the anarchy of everyday crime. Sadly we must wait awhile longer. For the unelected psychopaths to face punishment for their crimes against humanity.

 18.30 I have been dozing off all day. Trying to ignore that I have days of washing up to catch up on!

 Time to think about dinner. Poached eggs on toast I think. I could do with a laugh! It was absolutely perfect.

 I did the washing up afterwards. I didn't want to spoil my meal.



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