30 Aug 2024

30.08.2024 78km


  Friday 30th 52F/11C. Bright overcast. Dry but cooler at 19C/66F max. Westerly winds.

 Up at 6am after a reasonable night. No immediate plans for today.

 I went for my usual walk to the lanes.

 The traffic was rather heavy because I was a little later than usual. My hands were cold at first, walking into the wind,  but soon warmed up. I was actually too warm walking back with the wind. 

 9.45 59F/15C. Rather overcast. I had forgotten to recharge the bike battery last night and it is taking some time. Currently [?] 67%. 

 11.00 Battery recharged. Going for a ride.  

 16.00 67F/19C. Returned from a 78km ride to Odense and back. The Brooks B67 was okay until about 60km. Then it started feeling hard. Taking breaks helped for a while. I was wearing my bibs with the thinnest padding.

 I bought a very short handlebar stem. After feeling as if the handlebars are slightly too high with the riser stem and swept back handlebars. I was constantly bending my elbows and ducking down. Because I was always sitting too upright in the headwind. Yet wanted to avoid overloading my hands and wrist by leaning too far forwards onto the handlebars.

 There was a headwind all the way home today. It was lucky I took a jumper. Or I would have been too cold. The jacket I wore at the beginning of the ride would have been too warm. I stopped to change the battery on the way home. To allow myself the luxury of Turbo mode. To get home as easily as possible. 

 Imagine being overtaken by a girl on a manual bike with straight handlebars? Straight into the wind too! Though she had a much lower position then the dummy propped upright on the e-bike. I was using Sport mode at the time but tiring fast. 

 She looked like a sprinter. Judging from the muscles on show below the shorts. She turned off soon afterwards. Typical behaviour for somebody who gives there all to overtake. Then finds they have nothing left in the tank. 😉

 I only consumed two micro Corny bars and two micro cartons of apple juice. Not nearly enough because I missed lunch. Which I made when I arrived home. Followed by tea and a toasted roll as usual but an hour later than usual.

 It was fish fingers and chips with frozen peas for dinner. Washed down with an organic beer. Note to self: Don't try to use small plates every time.



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