31 Jul 2024

31.07.2024 A jolly jaunt.


  Wednesday 31st 53F/12C [6.00] Bright with another sunny day promised.

 Up at 5.30 after a fairly quiet night. I ride might be a good idea today. I haven't mentally adjusted to demolition of the observatory. So need to distance myself to regain my motivation. I am not even sure how I will go about bringing down the dome. The work involved in unbolting the gores would be hazardous and time consuming. Which would require concentration and a willingness I currently lack. 

 It is a very different situation compared to the enthusiasm and optimism. Of overcoming such difficulties in construction. I literally dragged the heavy gores up a tall ladder on my back in pairs! Taking it all back down is a very negative pastime. Like clearing up the litter. After playing solo at a wildly successful concert. There's no bragging rights to undoing what one has built against all the odds. 

 Perhaps I should let the local crane hire lift the dome down with a telescopic front loader. It would be compact enough to drive down the long and narrow drive. Where a lorry, reversing, with the usual crane behind the cab, would really struggle. It would be worth the expense. To have the dome brought down in one piece by experts. The time saving alone would make it worthwhile. The dome could be parked out of the way. To be attended to when I was in the mood. For a chainsaw massacre!

 6.45. Time for a walk. 

 7.35 Back from my fairly brisk walk to the lanes. It was almost fully overcast and misty at first. I could hear the excavator whining from across the fields as I started out. When I reached the site it was backfilling the huge drainage trench. Which it had previously dug. The trench followed a circuitous route. That ended at a drain cover on the verge. 

 Two cats were yowling loudly at each other behind a field hedge. Still staring each other out the last time I saw them. Clouds of sparrows were moving between the trees again. Upwards of fifty per flock. It always amazes me how birds can all disappear instantly into a hedge or tree. While traveling at high speed. Their reaction times must be incredible to avoid injury.

 13.30 73F/23C I returned in the Morris from visiting my English friend. It was very pleasant sitting outside in the breeze.

 16.00 71F/22C. I have mowed all the grass at a lower level. 6/10. This time with the grass collector in place. The trailer is already half full. Hot and sweaty in the sunshine.

 18.00 More mowing and weed clearing. Then I moved more timber and wood away from the shed.

 I have to use up the chicken and mushrooms today. I need a variation. What about pasta and tinned tomatoes?




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