1 Jul 2024

1st July 2024 Did I miss anything?


  Monday 1st 57F/14C.[7.45] Bright overcast.

 Up at 6am after waking at 5.00. I managed to go back to sleep. Lower back pain is probably from too many hours sitting at the computer. It soon passes as I wander around making breakfast. 

 I had to sort my tablets out for the coming week. If I didn't use the daily dispenser I wouldn't have a clue whether I'd taken them. It's all a bit confusing anyway because the packs hold different numbers of tablets. Which means renewing prescriptions at very different intervals.

 8.15-45 62F/17C Bright sunshine. Returned from my walk to the lanes. I even jogged on the way back. To test my lung capacity. The reality was that I needed the bathroom. No ill effects.

 A long day watching YouTube videos about goldfish keeping. I might have a pond in the greenhouse. Just a matter of finding a suitably large, rectangular tub. I've looked online but those available in Denmark  are rather shallow. The water would heat up or chill too quickly. Depth increases the volume significantly.

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast. I am getting rather good at this! 😋



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