8 Jun 2024

8.06.2024 Be careful what you wish for!


  Saturday 8th 52F/11C. Bright overcast and windy. Rain expected all day. Half a month's worth according to the weather headlines. Up at 5.45 after a reasonable night. I woke up feeling nicely warm in my jumper. 63F/17C indoors.


 World headlines are about the Danish Prime Minister being physically attacked. Mette Frederiksen  is said to have been shoved hard by an [alleged] caveman. The [alleged] caveman is said to have deliberately approached the PM according to witnesses. This was while The Prime Minister was walking after attending an outdoor European election meeting in central Copenhagen. Two named witnesses spoke to the press about what they had seen. A private security company was supposed to be protecting the Prime Minister. No doubt backed up by official security staff behind the scenes.

 Violence against women is unforgivable. There are no valid excuses. None! Violence towards the democratically elected leader, of a peaceful country, doubly so. Anything which reduces democracy to violence from an [alleged] caveman. Is likely to cause a sea change in security. Poorer access to elected representatives. Reduced public freedom and reduced public safety. 

 Denmark was once the peaceful, democratic land. Where The Queen used to ride her bicycle around town. Alas there are far too many artificial chips. On far too many, fragile shoulders. To ever see that time again. 

 May those cowardly cavemen, who cheered on the attack, online. Rot in the hell. Of your very own making!


 8.00 I had to mow the lawn, the parking space and the drive. I couldn't leave it any longer and might never have the opportunity again. A large patch of rain was approaching on the radar. Which gave me just enough time to kill myself! 

 I set the mower high and discarded the collection box/bag. In my state I wouldn't have been able to tip a full bag of wet grass anyway. My chest hurt, I was breathless and weak. Probably my last, tragic effort to make the place remotely presentable. This is a very sad joke. Modesty prevents me from sharing the hideous truth! Not for nothing have I named my home Chez Hovel!

 Based on this performance, I am not remotely optimistic about my future. Reduced to being a doddering old fart. Living out his last days in isolated squalor. Unable to lift a finger for himself. Constantly burdened by his lifetime of memories.

 Regarding my torment about the parking at the hospital: The cost of even two days of parking, beyond my free day as a patient, is relative peanuts. About the same as a trip to the supermarket. I shall park the car as visibly and as near to the correct entrance, as possible. This might even save me from having the car stolen. Or vandalized in the parking tower. It will hopefully save me a walk too.

 The parking company must have some responsibility and a lot of cameras. For the security of the parked cars. Which they are being paid so handsomely to watch over. They use automatic vehicle registration plate readers. To monitor vehicles coming and going. Using their system to confirm correct payment for time spent stationary in the hospital grounds. As such, any criminals in vehicles, ought to be picked up by the plate registration system. The protection of the medical staff's own vehicles must be considered important too.

 8.20 I nipped [slowly] outside to take a few pictures of the flowers. There are a lot of rosebuds. It has just started raining. And may never stop.

 11.10  54F/12C. Overcast, blowing hard and raining. I lit the stove. It is still the same temperature as earlier but just too cold for comfort. I don't know why I was putting it off. It takes only a few moments to fetch some kindling and a few, thin logs from the greenhouse. A firelighter block soon gets the flames dancing. 

 The living room walls are all stabilized at the depressed air temperature. So will take a while to warm up. I can easily feel the warmth of the stove on my face now from yards away. The remote reading thermometer already goes off the scale on the stove window. Above 360C!

 There are yellow irises growing beside the old pond in the corner of the garden. The entire area had been in such deep shadow that nothing grew properly. This was before I removed the vast Horse chestnut. The prostrate yews against the fence are going mad in the increased light. Warblers are foraging in the willows behind them. 

 13.30 It has brightened up a little but rather windy. The room has now reached a more comfortable 67F/19C. The walls are all reading 20C/70F. Which greatly reduces my body's radiation to formerly cold surfaces. I still need to top up the larder.

 A 39 year old [alleged] caveman is due to appear in court. Expected to be remanded in custody for the [alleged] assault on the Prime Minister, Miss Mette Frederiksen. Who is said to have suffered a minor, whiplash injury. Leaders across the world have sent messages of sympathy to the popular, lady PM. The [alleged] caveman's appearance is being delayed by a shoplifting case.

 The defense hoped the case would be heard behind closed doors. Though the judge said there was far too much public interest. So the doors would remain open. Subject to certain reporting restrictions. The entire world's press is attentive! 

 The presence of an interpreter suggests the accused is not a Danish national. He pleads not guilty. The judge has ordered the accused name be withheld from publication and will monitor violations. Speculation as to motive, online, would not be helpful and might even be unlawful. 

 It is now widely reported that the PM's "attacker." Was [simply] a drunk and drugged Pole according to the police report. He is said to have recognized the PM before his "attack" and expressed a liking for her. He was remanded into custody for ten days.

 17.00 Returned from a quick trip to the supermarket in the village. I now have enough organic broccoli to see out a Russian invasion. At least I know what is for dinner tonight. Though I am not sure this is what they meant when we were told to "prepare."

 Dinner will be mushrooms, broccoli and boiled potatoes. It made a change from fish fingers. I pretended the mushrooms were the meat. It was washed down with a small organic apple juice. A tasteless organic avocado followed.  



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