6 Jun 2024

6.06.2024 If it ain't broke..


  Thursday 6th 50F/10C. Very heavy overcast, showers and windy. Up at 6.15 after searching for important legal papers in the middle of the night. I thought I'd lost them but found them all. I have an appointment this morning. I am making a will in case things go badly  at the hospital on Monday. Or shortly thereafter. 

 An image from yesterday. With cloud shadows crossing the ripening fields. Four deer are grazing against the dark hedge in the middle background.

 It is ironic that I should have "heart problems" after my immense mileage on my trike. Not to mention all the physically demanding work over the years. I was shoveling literally tons of compacted gravel only a few short weeks ago. Then all the hard work at the museum. Lifting and moving all those 150kg paving slabs! 

 I have cycled 200km this week alone. It could have been more if the e-bike was available and the weather kinder. My weight/BMI is in the middle of the recommended range. Hardly any belly fat despite my crappy diet. Since I had to learn to cook and fend for myself.

 No walk due to rain.

 11.30 Returned from my appointment and shopping. It rained on and off. The MM electrical fault continues. I did due homework online but can't delve under the bonnet until it stops raining. Best advice is dry or corroded contacts on the fuse holder. I can check the fuse for continuity with my DMM.

 It stopped raining. So I had a look at the car. Just as there was a rumble of thunder!  It proved to be an intermittent fault. No, not the thunder! Fuses okay. No dry fuse clips. So I went around waggling wires and connectors and everything came back to life. A dry or oily joint somewhere. What ain't broke: Don't mend it! 

 Had a call from the hospital. I need a fresh blood test before Monday. So I drove to the surgery in pouring rain with no wipers. Just to see if they could manage a quick test. For some reason they were closed today of all days. I'll have to try my luck again tomorrow. 

 The electrical problem seems to be an aftermarket, inline fuse holder. Outside the surgery I turned on the wipers. Then braved the deluge sheltered only by the bonnet. The moment I touched the white fuse holder the wipers started working again. They kept working all the way home. As did the indicators.

 The hospital contact tried to arrange transport for me to get to the hospital. I could get a 6 o'clock bus locally to reach the city station. That would leave me only 20 minutes to get all the way out to the hospital. Which would be impossible without an intimate knowledge of the city buses. So I told them not to worry. I'd drive there. 

 If they can arrange a drive home on Monday that would be good. Though I'd have to catch a bus back to the city to collect the car later. No driving allowed for at least two days. Four days if certain procedures are required. Their latest letter says that I have three clogged heart arteries according to the previous scans.

 Dinner was fish fingers, pasta and peas. I still need a sauce for the pasta. The tinned tomatoes are awfully wasteful and not nearly spicy enough. Not even with a hefty dose of pepper.



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