21 Jun 2024

21.06.2024 Racism, ageism or ignoramusism?


  Friday 21st 51F/11C [5.45] Bright with fluffy little clouds. A sunny morning, then cloud. With rain this evening and tonight. Possibly heavy with thunder.

 Up at 5.15 after far too many visits to the fire bucket. No noticeable ill effects from yesterday's short ride. My right forearm continues to ache or burn at intervals. Painless at others. The discolouration has faded but some swelling remains. The lump in my groin is largely unchanged. Painless unless prodded. The discolouration down my thigh is fading more slowly. 

 I have an appointment for a follow up in a week. At the city hospital which carried out the procedure. So I shall try to survive for at least that long. I am not sure what my own doctor could do for me at this stage. I am loathe to take over-the-counter pain killers without expert advice. To avoid any conflicts with my current medication.

 6.00  A longer walk is indicated but breakfast first.    

7.25 Well, that was disappointing. I barely made it 300m along the road before I had to abandon my walk. I had no energy beyond a septuagenarian shuffle. Having to escape to the verge, despite the lack of oncoming traffic, was not conducive to continuance. The 1.5m rule belonging only to those who can drive and chew gum simultaneously. Seemingly a rarity in these here parts. 

 It is odd how a 7-axle lorry can easily give me a wide berth but commuters will not even alter their trajectory. Perhaps I should sport an action cam on top of my head? If only as a deterrent. I wonder if these cameras can do flash? That might give them pause. Though I doubt it. You can take an ass to wisdom but you can't make it think.

 I examined the tree planting scheme on the neighbour's new drive through my binoculars. To save myself the effort of going any closer. All the saplings have come into fledgling leaf and seem to be of mixed species. One can but hope for rapid obscuration of Scrapman's hideous eyesores. 

 8.00 Overcast. I need a nap before morning coffee.

 14.00 Despite a morning nap I can't keep my eyes open. I ought to shop. Or place an order online. I could probably manage to reach the village in the Morris. Use a trolley to avoid carrying anything. Even to the car. I have just made myself breathless walking out to the kitchen. Then watering all the plants! 

 15.00 67F/19C. Overcast and humid. Returned from the supermarket in the village. The useless place had no tokens for the shopping trolleys and I had no coins. They wouldn't lend me a 10kr coin [£1] at the checkout.  I needed a trolley to avoid lifting and carrying. This was despite my telling the always miserable, middle aged, couldn't give a shit, checkout operator. That I'd just had a heart operation. Racism or ageism? Village idiotism? It has a very long history locally. They used to burn non-Danes at the local Coop! They had a sign over the door until it closed down: "Here be dragons!"

 So I had to drag a wheeled basket around and then right out to the car. Which is strictly forbidden! I have been shopping there since they opened. Now they are expanding. Still with the same ignorant staff and oaf of a manager? We'll see. He might be moved up or down with any luck. 

 They can't even keep stocks of their "own label" items half the time. They routinely block access to the only cycle rack with pallets of goods. A huge, outdoor, badly broken umbrella had spikes sticking out at customer eye level for weeks! The whole thing moving about in the wind. Making avoidance of the spikes a serious problem. They took no notice of my warning of the dangers. Complete and total disinterest!

 The staff and manager don't give a damn about blocking alleyways with trolleys and pallets when they are shelf filling. Too ignorant to realise their own drooling idiocy. Is inconveniencing, or physically endangering. The very shoppers who pay their wages!

 The handle on one door of their upright egg fridge has been missing for years! So the other door has to be opened first and then shoppers risk getting their hand trapped between the hinged, sprung, twin doors. As other customers must squeeze past at a deliberate pinch point at the special offers display. Several handles on the sliding freezer cabinets are missing too. So one can only use friction to open them to access the frozen goods for sale. I am tired, irritated and headachy now. 

 Dinner was eggs, mushrooms and baked beans. Helped along with a buttered bread roll, spread thinly. I should have made a cheese and mushroom omelette but it didn't occur to me at the time. The eggs were perfect. I know how to get them right now.



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