1 Jun 2024

1st June 2024 67km


  Saturday 1st 59F/15C [6.45] Bright sunshine through thin cloud. A warm, dry day is promised. 

 Up at 6am after a failed lift off at 5am. I want to have a ride today. Hopefully the laced B67 saddle will be more comfortable now. It has been agony in its "limp" form. Even when wearing padded racing shorts. 

 The Brooks B67 is showing clear depressions where my sit bones rest. This would be considered as partially broken in. The depressions spread the pressure points when seated. Providing the infamous hammock claimed by Brooks. To the consternation of all riders who cannot get on with the rock hard leather from new. 

 Many swear by Brooks leather as the only saddle for long distance rides. They are willing to accept the far greater weight compared to modern "plastic" saddles. All in the name of comfort.

 Many others swear at Brooks saddles. The break in period is often far longer than expected. Well beyond the bullshit claims of "comfort from the very first ride." How could a saddle be comfortable when the top is is as hard as steel as supplied from the factory? The leather top is completely irrelevant until it is deformed by the rider and becomes far more flexible. Which can take thousands of agonizing miles! If ever in many cases. 

 I speak as one who has owned half a dozen Brooks saddles. Including B17 Narrow, various models of the B17, The Professional and finally a B67. I have had over 20 other saddles too. I am rarely comfortable for long. Despite decades of effort in perfecting saddle position and height. 


 The 125mm dropper post has been a revelation! Exactly what was needed for safety when slowing or dismounting. Or climbing back on again. With the saddle lowered I can now reach the ground safely on both sides. It feels 1000% safer. 

 The Moustache e-bikes come from an e-MTB heritage. So a high bottom bracket is used for greater ground clearance. Which makes it absolutely lethal for everyday road use. IMHO. The rider has to slide forwards off the saddle to be able to put a foot down. There is too little space over the top tube for this to occur safely. With a fixed saddle it is lethal for an older rider.

 A 150mm dropper post would have even better than the 125mm. If only in theory. However, the Moustache frame has internal obstructions in the seat tube. As do many bikes. It obviously isn't a high priority for most designers. The 150mm travel demands a minimum of 150mm insertion length in order to be able to telescope.  An internally operated dropper post would need even greater insertion depth for the extended mechanism. 

 I can happily live with the 125mm for now. It has about 60mm of stack height above the seat tube clamp. If my knees were slightly more bent, while riding normally, then it could be even lower. I shall now experiment with the raised saddle height to find the optimum setting. 

 A high saddle causes lateral rocking of the rider's hips and skeleton. Which could exacerbate discomfort. Despite its weakness in the sprung frame the Contec was more comfortable than the B67. Not perfect, but better. I wonder whether the smooth finish on the leather helped? The B67 has a dimpled surface. Making sliding back and forth more difficult. The dimples can also grab the cloth and padding of the crutch of a sweaty pair of shorts!  

 7.45. Time for  walk in the sunshine. No overdressing today!

 8.30 Back from a delightful walk. Bright sunshine and countless birds singing. Traffic light enough to ignore in the long silences. I set a deliberately brisk pace again to test my fitness. No problem even on the gentle hills. My ribs are still hurting on the left. Unless it is my heart?

 I examined the new tree planting on the banks of the neighbour's new drive. No leaves yet so I was unable to identify the species. From the layout it is intended to eventually form a screen against Scrapman's hideous eyesores. As well as binding the banks together against erosion. Some saplings had been planted right between the Japanese knotweed. One presumes the professionals know what they are doing. Who am I to judge? 😊 

Several years after being built. This cycle path finally has a ramp. To allow cyclists to enter without dismounting. I showed the before picture quite recently. Is somebody reading my blog?

 9.00 67F/19C. Time to get cracking if I am to enjoy a ride this morning. It could hit 23-25C later. [73-77F]  I reset the saddle height lower and tootled up and down the 120m of drive a few times. It feels about right. Though shoes sole thickness will affect saddle height. I shall take the hex key in my jersey pocket to allow quick adjustment out on the road. I must remember my shopping list too.  

 14.00 73F/23C. Bright sunshine from a clear blue sky. Returning from a 67km ride in three hours. I headed north and then looped westwards. It felt like a headwind throughout. Saddle soreness was variable. I tried adjusting saddle tilt and tension. Pulling down on the legs of the racing shorts seemed to help. As did short breaks in the shops.  

 Tomatoes coming up from squashed cherry tomatoes.

 I think the problem is mostly friction from the short's padding rucking up under me. 22km/hr average speed. 89% in Sport mode. The rest in Turbo mode to help on the hills. No noticeable ill effects. No breathlessness, nor excess tiredness. Very relaxed riding on the new, sweptback handlebars. I protected my neck from the sun with a navy headscarf. 

 17.00 Making the 5 o' clock cup of tea was interrupted by a humongous spider on the kitchen ceiling! I sent it to spider heaven in the greenhouse. The log pile is awash with spiders.  

 Dinner was a fry up. Fried boiled potatoes, chicken, mushrooms and tweggs. My first attempt at frying potatoes. I avoided turning the eggs for once. They were perfect. Like everything else.


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