9 May 2024

9.05.2024 Bank holiday cooking class.


  Thursday 9th 50F/10C. Bright but very cloudy. Up at 6.45 after a slightly better night. I lay there dozing instead of getting up at 6.00. 

 Cooking class today. It is a bank holiday but we were offered the [closed] school kitchen anyway. I had better go in the Morris. Not sure how I'd manage a ride.

 The new dropper post is still sitting at the first sorting depot. It hasn't moved since 7pm last night. This, despite being promised next day delivery by the dealer. Bank holiday?

 14.20 Returned from cooking class and a wasted journey into the village surgery. Yes, it really is a bank holiday! 

 No dinner required today. 

 I have belatedly discovered that I have literally given away everything related to cycling. So I no longer have alternatives to try from my [once] huge stock.

 My wardrobe increasingly embarrasses me. I have a few old t-shirts which are barely passable. A dozen which are literally rags full of holes. I wear them as pajamas. Worthless, disposable rags even for cleaning. They would only last for one go at dusting or furniture polishing. Whatever that is!  Even with my very limited and shrinking social life. I still have to be basically presentable at times.




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