28 May 2024

28.05.2024 55km on the e-bike.


  Tuesday 28th 54F/12C. Very heavy overcast and raining heavily and steadily. A very wet morning is promised.

 Up at 6.15 after waking at 5am. Practicing my dozing.

 8.30 It is 70F/21C indoors but it feels cold. I have had to put on a thick jumper. 

 Later I drove the Morris to see my friend. Returned home, had lunch and then repeated the same journey on my e-bike. I had left something at home in the morning.

 17.30 60F/15C. 55km is only about 34 miles. The Brooks B67 was agonizing! I stopped three times to adjust the nose upwards. Retentioned it too. It only felt better for a short while. Tailwind going. Headwind coming back.

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast. I allowed the small glass cups with the eggs to sit in the water as it came to the boil. I had pre-boiled the water in the electric kettle for speed. Then filled the pre-warmed saucepan. 

 The addition of the cold cups had chilled the water. Taking it off the boil. This heat soaking was to stiffen the whites. It worked really well though invisibly. I should have included some of this heating time in the cooking total. After the eggs were released into the boiling water. The yolks were half runny and half solid. 

 I am using the new plates. Which were found during the sorting of the china collection upstairs. Their size suits a couple of rounds of toast perfectly.



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