6 Jan 2024

6.01.2024 Glistered Zimmer frame racing... 😴


 Saturday 6th 27F/-3C. Up at 6.45. My first task was to change all the recent post dates to 2024. Silly old wotsit doesn't know which year it is. Let alone which day. Anyone would think I was the US president! 

260 million adults to choose from. And it's sunk to a gilded Zimmer frame race. Between the heads of two crooked business families? You'd think they [The US electorate] would have learned something from all the Capone movies! Where wealth means a two-tier system of (cough) justice you will never escape corruption.

 Two old friends wearing safety helmets, competing in a wheeled walker race  — Senior Men, success - Stock Photo | #283103294


  How can anyone calling themselves a judge be labelled as left or right leaning? Conservative or liberal are meaningless terms for any judge. Neutrality is the only acceptable qualification for becoming and continuing as a judge. In any capacity. Or they are automatically unfit to judge even a local tiddly winks outcome. Failure to adhere to these simple principles is bringing the USA and the world to its knees. Keep taking the money!

 My doubts expressed about the poor performance of the Danish public services in recent snow. Has been taken up by the politicooze wannabes. They are actively discussing a legal requirement for winter tires on lorries. Since they were largely responsible for the endless queues. Then there's the major flooding fiasco. Plus the failure to allow coastal protection. Not even at the private expense of those directly involved.

 A couple in their 80s were abandoned on a Danish motorway for 22 hours in freezing temperatures. In an electric vehicle. Which soon ran out of battery power to warm the cabin. Their crime? Returning from a hospital visit. The court of human rights would be up in arms if they had been REAL criminals! There'd be decades of stately home levels of income from such a case!

 If climate change is responsible for all the record breaking headlines this year. Then the world has certainly had its wake-up call. Meanwhile the subsidisers of terrorism and slavery. Are put in charge of violin practice as the world burns? It has already been announced that the next junket will have another oilman in charge. So weeks of 6 star meals will ensure the exact wording of another utterly pointless, trivial document. We can all kiss our sweaty, freezing and sewage wrinkled arses goodbye! 

 8.15. 54F/12C in the room. I can't put off lighting the stove any longer. Despite the lack of logs. The forecast is for -7C/19F early, tomorrow morning. I swapped to my winter duvet at bedtime last night. 

 I have had another daft idea. It would be dangerous to take the trailer to the timber yard and return with the usual load.  The roads aren't fully clear yet. So I thought I'd see if they would sell me a boot full of dry logs. The old car is a hatchback. Dropping the rear seats forwards provides a huge clear space inside the car. I would have to be careful about overloading of course. Though this tactic would keep me going until I can safely collect a full trailer load. They open at 9am.

 9.20. The engine started easily and the car is almost clear of ice. Off we go!  

 10.15 Returned with a car full of logs. The machine driver was quite used to the idea and sold me half a cubic meter. More than enough for a week at present consumption. The load was neatly dumped on the ground just behind the car. For me to pick up and chuck into the open hatch.

 There was a queue waiting for logs. So I helped a lady with her frozen PVC trailer cover. Another gentleman helped throw logs into my car. While he waited for his own trailer load to arrive. He has a work colleague from Manchester. So he was curious where I came from. 

 Even the main roads were still icy in the middle of each lane with hard packed snow. You can't blame the local authorities though. They haven't had 3" of snow in Denmark in well over 100 years. Longer still, if you talk about a light -4C frost. Overall I was grateful that I didn't take the trailer. Hammering over hard pack was bad enough with a loaded car.

  I bought petrol and filled the tires on the way. Shopped for more groceries on the way back. The Repair mode on the Noco charger must work. The old battery was showing nearly 13V in -4C conditions. The car behaved normally today.  

 The stove was still going but the living room is only at 55F/13C. I have added several logs and opened up the air supply. To try and get some warmth into the place. Now I have to bring in and stack my precious load of logs in the greenhouse. They say you get several kinds of warmth from burning wood. It's a good job I am still fit. Despite being such an old fart in numerical terms. 

 The image shows the new stack of logs. A useful variety of log sizes. 

 I was supposed to have fitted sloping brick window sills, when I put the windows in, but it never happened. I can no longer remember why. The original windows were 3mm/ 1/8"plain glass without any frames at all! The new windows were double glazed with twin openers and I secured them with spray foam.

 12.00 Now nearly 60F/15C in the room. I have just finished bringing in the logs from the car. Into the lean-to greenhouse using a wheelbarrow. It is supposed to be half a cubic meter of completely haphazard stacking. A so-called Kasserummetre. Which literally translates to "box space metre."

 Not a neatly stacked volume measurement. Which would be approximate 0.8 of a [randomly piled] cubic metre. There are far more air spaces when the logs are piled higgledy-piggledy. Less when stacked fairly neatly as I have. With the logs leaning against a wall for support. Palletized firewood or "towers" are usually neatly stacked for delivery volume/weight efficiency. Which also reduces any doubt as to the volume on offer. The stacking takes lots of time and effort. Which must obviously be paid for. Using a front bucket loader to fill car trailers from a vast, covered heap a the timber yard takes only seconds.

 My new load seems rather a lot of wood having handled it three times now. I am just grateful that I now have a decent reserve. Until I can safely drive the trailer on clear roads. The frost tomorrow morning has been downward adjusted to -10C/14F by TV2. Nice! 

13.30 62F/17C. It is finally warming up. I am burning several logs at the same time. Instead of my usual habit of burning only one. 

13.50 It is brightening slightly to watery sunshine. It all helps when the temperature remains stubbornly below zero at -3C all day. The greenhouse should warm a little. Currently 38F/3C. Helping to dry the logs and reducing the heat loss of the southern house wall it covers. It may even melt the ice still adhering to the glass roof. 

 17.30 24F/-4C. The sunshine came to nothing. Still feeding the stove. Because I can. 😀 

The DMI is more optimistic than TV2 Weather. It has raised the bar back up again and it has promised only -7C/19F by 7am tomorrow [Sunday.] Still not nice!

 10.45 23F/-5C. Dinner was scrambled poached eggs on toast. The yolks were already broken in the shells. Well within the use by date. They tasted fine. Looked a mess. The room is a toasty 63F/17C.


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