12 Jan 2024

12.01.2024 Logged in.


 Friday 12th 31F/-1C. Another day of frost until temperatures rise slightly tonight. No sign of fog so far. Up at 6.15.

 7.30 57F/14C in the room. Stove lit. Otherwise too cold to sit about after a shower. Haircut at 9am.

 8.00 59F in the room. Shower over. The car started easily despite being white with frost. I'll let it warm up a little. Another load of towels have gone into the washing machine. The log rack need to be filled again. Done. Another five baskets full brought in. I still need to collect a trailer full. 

 10.00 I now look like a Greek god or a King! 

 The roads have improved after yesterday's slight thaw. So I'll go and fetch a trailer full of logs while I can.

 11.00 Returning from a trip to the timber yard with a very generous trailer full of dry beech logs. Now leaving to visit my English friend.

 15.00 Returning from my visit. Free cooking lessons and a pan poached egg! 😋 Must order a non-stick frying pan! Or find one in a shop. I'd like to feel the weight and comfort of the handle before buying. These things are important! 

 16.00 Time for a nap.

 Dinner was salad with tuna and pan-poached eggs.



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