18 Dec 2023

18.12.2023 Another welcome visitor! ๐Ÿ˜Š


 Monday 18th 46F/8C, Heavy overcast and breezy. Up at 8.15 after deliberately going to bed late. I wanted to reset my sleep patterns.

 13.00 Well, that was nice. My British friend visited with 2 hours notice. So I had a chance to tidy, clean and vacuum. Followed by a swift shower before he arrived. I slipped over outside while attending to recycling and injured my hand. Nothing serious.  Damp moss has built up on the north facing concrete slab outside.

 The stove had gone out in the meantime. So I had to relight it and boost the warmth in the room. The place looks a lot better now. All because I was being motivated to tidy the accumulated mess. Assorted papers, supermarket receipts, cycling clothing and dry laundry were soon reorganised. I usually lack the self-discipline to keep it that way. Having visitors makes me want to tidy. If only to avoid the shame of being seen to live in my own, self-made pigsty. 

 Left to my own devices I just muddle along. I ought to have a list of chores to be attended to on a daily basis. Would I adhere to it? Not on past performance. Bringing firewood logs into the room will help to dry them out before use. I bought a ring rack for logs but the idiot never restocks it. So the logs out in the greenhouse absorb atmospheric moisture. Which makes them reluctant to burn as readily. 

 Talking about it on my blog is not remotely the same as actually doing something. Doing the washing up daily would end the constant struggle to find clean crockery. Again the logic is sound by "the staff" is unmotivated. I need a reward which outweighs the complete lack of willpower. Like a dog needs a treat. Chocolates? ๐Ÿ˜‹

 13.30 Lunch over. Now I must maintain the momentum and attend to the laundry backlog again. Underway. There really wasn't that much in machine cycle terms. It just needed to be sorted into heaps, then baskets of different materials carried downstairs.

 18.00 A long dark grey day is almost over. I brought in the last of the logs from the previous trailer load. A new trailer load is stacked and waiting. I need a light meal for dinner. Not sure what yet. I have half a huge sausage to use up. I could make sausage in a wholemeal bread roll. 

 It was fine but far too much of it. I had to use up the sausage. Or discard some of it. Halving them ensured they were cooked right through. They were still pink inside even after 20 minutes in the frying pan. Halving them also made them easier to eat. Using a knife and fork.

 22.30 Still feeling very full from dinner.


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