2 Aug 2023

2nd August 2023 Modern slavery [27] 😉


 Wednesday 2nd 56F [at 5.50] Overcast and thick mist. Possible sunshine this morning. Up at 4 after a restless night. Museum day. I shall ride the e-bike.

 8.00 Just a short walk to see how I felt. More bailing of the puddles in the trailer cover. Showered. Morning coffee over. Ready for the museum.

14.30 67F. Cloudy or overcast. With sunny periods. Back from the museum with a load of shopping. It was a hard morning too. Lifting heavy items and moving them to different locations and buildings.

 I caught up with my lack of sleep with a one hour nap.

 Dinner was fish fingers, pasta, peas and tinned tomatoes. I feel full.


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