19 Jun 2023

19.06.2023 Fishfingers on toast? Seriously? ๐Ÿ˜


 Monday 19th 65F. Bright but breezy. Another warm day in prospect but with much more cloud. The drought continues. The flower garden isn't looking well as the grass turns brown. Plenty of flowers but rather lost against the intruders. The surrounding trees must be stealing a lot of moisture.

  I slept downstairs last night. On an over-mattress on top of the folding foam base. It was far firmer than I am used to. I also felt as if my head was low at first. This was despite using my normal pillow. Temperature wise it was fine. Lying naked under an empty duvet cover. 

 So, it's a choice between greater comfort and sweating upstairs. Or lying on the floor in the lounge. Which proved a struggle when I had to visit the bathroom in the night. My back and knees complained as I fought to overcame gravity. Same again, as I finally got up at 6.15. After many guesses as to the correct time and should I get up. There were no clocks to guide me. Another oversight.

 Possible orientation problems were aided. By it never becoming truly dark at this time of year. I arranged the bed to point my head in the same direction as upstairs. I ought to check levels. It could be my bed upstairs is sagging in the middle, Which would make my head feel higher. I know the bedroom floor slopes sideways.

 9.30 21C/70F. Breezy and rather overcast. Back from my walk and the morning coffee ritual is over. The dustbin men haven't been. I saw the lorry on the road just after 6am but they did not come along the main drive. The new collection day may mean a later visit. No plans for a ride as yet. The sky keeps darkening but no rain. A band of rain is coming from the SW later. It should cross the country this afternoon. No change in the local forecast so far. 

 It is amusing to read all the fuss over AI and how it could eradicate the human race. Yet the chat-bots are subject to bouts of imagination. So, if you used a chat-bot to check the veracity of politicians' speeches and their empty election promises... Which would you trust? How does AI differ from Big Tech and the 1% ruling our world? Would we even notice? Would it be any cooler? Less polluted? Less unjust?

 12.00 Light rain.

 22.30 61F. I have done nothing all day. Dinner was fish fingers on toast. Which I really cannot recommend but my friend told me to be more creative. ๐Ÿ˜

 It is too hot to sleep upstairs.


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