3 Apr 2023

3.04.2023 A sad anniversary.


 Monday 3rd April.  A year today since my dear wife died. I miss her every day and still think about her all the time. 

-1C/30F. Clear, bright and sunny after another white frost. The wind has dropped but is still from the cold north. I have rather overdone it, as usual. Yesterday's little outing has left me aching. I had better have a walk. Happy Birthday Dave! 😀

 It was just too cool on my hands not to use my jacket pockets. Larks sang overhead. Lorries passed. My shadow would have ruined my usual landscape shot. Just another day in paradise. No further pain after a few yards. Though it would not be very sensible to ride to Odense today. 

 I have an appointment with a bike shop owner. To see the new Bosch Nyon display on his personal bike. I am still struggling to see the tiny details on the Kiox screen. When I wore my sunglasses yesterday the colour coding of the assistance modes simply vanished. While the digits indicating the vital battery data became unreadable. To my eyes.

 This does not bode well for the warmer months. When at least some sunshine is expected. I had better take my sunglasses along to see how the Nyon copes. I am damned if I am paying many hundreds of pounds equivalent for prescription sunglasses. I only need about plus one dioptre for reading normal text. My distance vision is excellent. 

 So I make do with cheap reading glasses from the supermarket. They don't last long being stuffed in my pockets. For reading the prices and product dates at the supermarket. The moulded plastic hinges are often a weak spot. Others last for years. By which time the lenses are usually scratched.

 13.30. 44F, Continuous sunshine. A few clouds. I have returned from Odense, shopped on the way home, done three days worth of washing up and had lunch. 

 The Nyon screen size was a shock! It was almost twice as wide as the Kiox. Clearly far more sophisticated than the Kiox. Maps adjusted effortlessly in scale. To finger movements on the full colour touch screen. User customizable screens. Lots more data. Very tempting. Particularly as I am having such a struggle reading the Kiox. I don't even have the option of lifting my sunglasses. They collide with my overhanging helmet!

 16.00 6C/43F. Thanks to the sunshine, I am warming the whole house with the greenhouse again. 29C out there in the shade. The lounge is up to 23C. 20C upstairs. 

 I have looked through my collection of 20-odd bike saddles. None of which offered a potential improvement over the well-worn, Brooks B17 Special. Which I have taken from the trike.

 I cheated and made toast yesterday. 😛 So now I have to make something "real." I've finally done the washing up. So have full access to the [modest] kitchen's entire arsenal. Will He go nuclear and make gravy? See the next exciting episode!

 Not curry again? 😋


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